
AnusPy is a Python package for translating clinch codes into alphanumeric characters.

pip install AnusPy==0.1



AnusPy is a revolutionary project at the crossroads of unconventional human-computer interaction and software design. The library transforms a series of kaggle clinches into corresponding character inputs, thus allowing the users to write source code in a truly novel manner.

This project aims to break barriers and redefine the conventional methods of interaction with computer systems, making coding more accessible and introducing a completely new way of expression.

Inspired by this video IMAGE ALT TEXT


  • The AnusPy device.


pip install anuspy

Quick Start

  1. Connect your AnusPy device.

  2. Start the application:

    python -m anuspy
  3. Follow the interactive prompts and start coding with clinches.

Clinch-to-Character Mapping

The clinch-to-character mapping guide is included with every AnusPy device package. Please refer to the guide for clinch patterns and their corresponding character inputs.


AnusPy is an open-source project. We appreciate and welcome your contributions, whether it's reporting bugs, improving documentation, or writing code. Please check our contribution guidelines before making a contribution.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


AnusPy should be used responsibly and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The creators of AnusPy are not responsible for any damages or injuries resulting from the use of this software or the associated device.