Data from the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection

pip install BMJV==1.1



Note: This a pathon wrapper around the data feeds from the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection in Germany. It's content is exclusivly in German. Please see Translations on the website of the ministry for further information.

BMJV stands for Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz (Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection).


  1. Install it with pip install bmjv


  1. from BMJV import BGBl, RechtsprechungImInternet

Rechtsprechung im Internet

The latest rulings from the seven major german courts.

foobar = RechtsprechungImInternet( id )

id can be used to select a special court. It is optional and set to bverfg by default.

  • bverfg: Bundesverfassungsgericht
  • bgh: Bundesgerichtshof
  • bverwg: Bundesverwaltungsgericht
  • bfh: Bundesfinanzhof
  • bag: Bundesarbeitsgericht
  • bsg: Bundessoszialgericht
  • bpatg: Bundespatengericht

All results are stored in a list at foobar.items. Each item is a Judicature with the following attributes:

  • .title : The title as string.
  • .description : The description string.
  • .pubdate : The publication as datetime object.

Gesetze im Internet

The latest laws published by the german government in the Bundesgesetzblatt (BGBl).

foobar = BGBl()

All results are stored in a list at foobar.items. Each item is a Law with the following attributes:

  • .title : The title as string.
  • .description : The description string.
  • .pubdate : The publication as datetime object.

Data sources