
A reference-free method for integration of multiple batches of scRNA-seq data.

scRNA-seq, single, cell, batch, effect, multiple, sources, reference-free
pip install Beaconet==1.0.9


Beaconet: a reference-free method for integration of multiple batches of scRNA-seq data in original molecular space



This project is a python implementation of Beaconet, which is introduced in the paper "A reference-free method for integration of multiple batches of scRNA-seq data in original molecular space".

Batch effect removal is crucial for single-cell data analysis, as the undesired batch-specific systematic variations among different technologies or experimental laboratories may distort biological signals and hinder the integration of datasets. As a reference-free batch effect removal method, Beaconet is particularly beneficial for researchers who lack prior knowledge about the selection of reference when integrate multiple batches of single-cell transcriptomic datasets. Furthermore, the preserved gene features in the corrected data by Beaconet can not only effectively characterize cell types and subpopulations, but also be directly used for downstream differential expression analysis.

All the preprocessed data, code scripts,and necessary outputs in the experiments of our paper are free available in figshare doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.20764843 to ensure reproducibility.

Keywords: single-cell data, batch effect, reference-free, molecular feature space;

Author and Mantainer

This software is developed and mantained by Han Xu


This is a tutorial for beginer. We will introduce the whole batch effect removal processing step-by-step using a case task, the integration of two batches of human blood dendritic cell datasets. The batch effect of these two datasets is relative small, since they were generaetd by the same laboratory (Villani et al.) using the same sequencing technology (Smart-Seq2) in different plates. CD1C DC in batch 1 and CD141 DC in batch 2 were removed refering to Tran et al.


Our algorithm, Beaconet, is a deep learning method, which is implemented using PyTorch framework. If you have GPUs on your machine, it is strongly recommended to install pytorch with cuda to accelerate the running speed. Just skip the section Install PyTorch, if you are familiar to PyTorch framework and deep learning or you have expertise to install PyTorch with correct version to your machine.

Install Pytorch

You need select cuda version that is supported by your computer. click CUDA Toolkit Archive to find a cuda with specific version. After installing cuda, you can install GPU version PyTorch. It is notable that you should select the correct version matching to the installed cuda on your machine.

Here are some example to install pytorch. install the latest version of pytorch without cuda using pip:

pip install torch

install pytorch 1.8.0 without cuda using pip:

pip install torch==1.8.0

install pytorch 1.8.0 with cuda 11.1 using pip:

pip install torch==1.8.0+cu111 -f

install pytorch 1.8.1 with cuda 10.1 using pip:

pip install torch==1.8.0+cu111 -f

If it raise error ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.8.1+cu101, you can solve it by two step:

  1. run the command below (removed the specific cuda version).
pip install torch==1.8.0+cu -f
  1. install torch==1.8.1+cu101 after it raise ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.8.1+cu
pip install torch==1.8.0+cu101 -f

if you have any question about the installation of PyTorch framework, you can See the offical site of PyTorch for more information.

Install Beaconet

Install Beaconet using pip.

pip install Beaconet -U

Import necessary packages and functions

from Beaconet import correction,visualization,get_umap,get_pmd,visualization_pmd,get_cluster
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import normalized_mutual_info_score as nmi
from sklearn.metrics import adjusted_rand_score as ari

Data preprocessing

Data preprocessing is an important step for data science and data-driven algorithm. We assume the inputs is the log-scaled TPM/count. To ensure the algorithm work well, you should NOT input raw count values or z-scored values. It is because that the raw count follows a heavy tailed distribution, which impacts the model optimized by gradient descent algorithm. The reason of we advise do not input z-score values for Beaconet is that the designed Corrector Network in Beaconet will filter any non-positive values as invalid gene expression values. The details of preprocessing is described below:

  1. filter the low-quality genes. We removed the genes that expressed in less than 3 cells. If the expression value of gene a on cell b is zero, we consider the gene does not expressed in the cell.
  2. filter the low-quality cells. We removed the cells that expressed less than 300 genes.
  3. normalize to library size and exclude the highly expressed values.
  4. extract the top 2000 highly variable genes. We used the preprocessing functions in scanpy package to preprocess the raw data.

We have provided the preprocessed data in path './data/'.

Readers who are not interested in the preprocessing of cells can skip this section and directly transfer to Correct batch effect for integration. If you want to preprocess your data, you need to install scanpy using the command below.

pip install scanpy
    import scanpy as sc
    adata=sc.AnnData(X=df,obs=meta) #preparing data
    sc.pp.filter_genes(data=adata,min_cells=3,inplace=True) #filter low-quality genes
    sc.pp.filter_cells(data=adata,min_genes=300,inplace=True) #filter low-quality cells
    sc.pp.normalize_total(adata,target_sum=10000,exclude_highly_expressed=True,inplace=True) # normalize for the library size
    sc.pp.log1p(adata) # transform to log-scaled values.
    sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(adata, n_top_genes=2000, flavor="seurat", batch_key="batch") #select top 2000 HVGs
    for batch,data in df.groupby(adata.obs["batch_id"]): # save the preprocessed data

Correct batch effect for integration

In this section, we will show you how to apply Beaconet on an example task. the example data is saved in the folder named 'data'.

  1. read the preprocessed data and meta data. It is notable that Beaconet DO NOT need the supervised information of cell types. The cell type and other information is only used for visualization and evaluation of the correction results, rathter than used during correction.
    # read scRNA-seq data
    # read meta data for evaluation.
    meta = pd.read_csv("data/DC_cell_meta.csv", index_col=0)
    meta = meta.reindex(list(dfs[0].index)+list(dfs[1].index))
  1. correction and save the result. The 'dfs' is a list of DataFrame. the cells come from the same batch is organized in the same DataFrame.The correction function returns the corrected data.

Visualization and evaluation

  1. dimension reduction
    ump["batch"] = meta["batch"]
    ump["cell_type"] = meta["cell_type"]
  1. clustering
  1. evaluation
    # calculate the positive rate and local merge divergence of positive cells

    #calculate NMI
    print(f"NMI: {nmi(cluster,meta['cell_type'])}")

    #calculate ARI
    print(f"ARI: {ari(cluster,meta['cell_type'])}")    
  1. plot
    visualization_pmd(ump, pmd, filename="test/positive_merge_divergence.png")

cell_type batch PMD

Experimental environment in our study

To try our best to help the audience who want to reproduce the results in our paper, we provied the specific version of the required environment and package in the experiments of our paper here. We note that it is usually not necessary to install the exactly specific version of these packages for Beaconet. The requirements of Beaconet is included in the ''. these packages will be automatically installed when install Beaconet. We provide the specific version of the dependence pacakges because these third-party package may be not strictly garantee backward-compatibility in the latest version. For example, they may change the behavor of their function, alter the keywords of arguments and change the default value of arguments when updating their package. These changes may potentially lead to different results. Thus, some audience may be interested in the older version of these packages.

Python 3.6.8










CUDA version reported by command 'nvcc -V':

nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver

Copyright (c) 2005-2019 NVIDIA Corporation

Built on Fri_Feb__8_19:08:26_Pacific_Standard_Time_2019

Cuda compilation tools, release 10.1, V10.1.105

CUDA version reported by command 'nvidia-smi':

NVIDIA-SMI 441.22 Driver Version: 441.22 CUDA Version: 10.2

Windows 10, HP Pavilion Gaming Desktop 690-07xx

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700F CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz

16 GB memory. 64bit operating system