
Tools for merging sorted iterables according to boolean operators

pip install BoolMerge==1.0


boolmerge - Tools for merging sorted iterables with boolean operators.

This module provides 4 efficient iterator types for merging sorted iterables according to boolean operators (AND, NOT, OR, XOR), in a lazy fashion. All code is written is C for performance reasons.


$ python install


First import the module:

>>> import boolmerge

All the iterator types have the same interface. They should be called with two argument, each one being a sorted iterable (be it of any kind), which items should be orderable. If this is not the case, the result is undefined.

boolmerge.andmerge returns an iterator which yields all items present in both of the iterators it is given as arguments:

>>> list(boolmerge.andmerge("acd", "abc"))
['a', 'c']

boolmerge.ormerge returns an iterator which yields all items present in any of the iterators it is given as arguments:

>>> list(boolmerge.ormerge("abcd", "cef"))
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

boolmerge.notmerge returns an iterator which yields all items present in the first iterator it is given as argument, but not in the second:

>>> list(boolmerge.notmerge("bdf", "abcf"))

boolmerge.xormerge returns an iterator which yields all items present in either of the iterators it is given as arguments, but not in both:

>>> list(boolmerge.xormerge("adf", "abcd"))
['b', 'c', 'f']