All CODATA constants with units, uncertainty and description.

pip install CODATA==1.2



This package contains all the CODATA constants, uncertainties and units [1]. An update function is included in the package to update the CODATA constants whenever desired.

How to use

The CODATA constants objects work just the same as floats. They only have some extra attributes, namely 'uncertainty', 'unit' and 'description', see the code below. You can also acces a dictionary containing all the constants named 'constants'. All the names of the constants are given in the next section Constant Names.

>>> from CODATA import h, hbar, Wien
>>> from math import pi

>>> h
6.62607004(81) e-34 [ J s ] Planck constant

>>> hbar
1.0545718(13) e-34 [ J s ] Planck constant over 2 pi

>>> h.uncertainty

>>> h.unit
'J s'

>>> abs(h / (2 * pi) - hbar) <= 1e-40

>>> Wien.value

>>> Wien.description
'Wien wavelength displacement law constant'

>>> import CODATA

>>> CODATA.constants['speed of light in vacuum']
299792458.0 [ m s^-1 ] speed of light in vacuum

>>> CODATA.c
299792458.0 [ m s^-1 ] speed of light in vacuum

>>> CODATA.pico * CODATA.mega == CODATA.micro

>>> CODATA.update()
>>> CODATA.last_update
time.struct_time(tm_year=2018, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=13, tm_hour=14, tm_min=15, tm_
sec=6, tm_wday=5, tm_yday=286, tm_isdst=1)

Constant Names

Shortcut Constants

First of all, shortcuts Variable Names to the most used constants have been made, listed down below. Keys for the dictionary are used in the dictionary called 'constants', see the Examples above.

Dictionary key Variable Names Value
speed of light in vacuum c, c0, speed_of_light 299792458.0 m s^-1
Planck constant h, planck_constant 6.62607004e-34 J s
Planck constant over 2 pi hbar, Planck_constant_over_2_pi 1.0545718e-34 J s
elementary charge e, elementary_charge 1.6021766208e-19 C
electron mass m_e, electron_mass 9.10938356e-31 kg
proton mass m_p, proton_mass 1.672621898e-27 kg
neutron mass m_n, neutron_mass 1.674927471e-27 kg
mag. constant mu_0, mag_constant, magnetic_constant 1.2566370614e-06 N A^-2
electric constant epsilon_0, electric_constant 8.854187817e-12 F m^-1
Boltzmann constant k, Boltzmann_constant 1.38064852e-23 J K^-1
Stefan Boltzman constant sigma, Stefan_Boltzmann_constant 5.670367e-08 W m^-2 K^-4
molar gas constant R, universal_gas_constant, ideal_gas_constant, gas_constant 8.3144598 J mol^-1 K^-1
Newtonian constant of gravitation G, Newtonian_constant_of_gravitation, gravitation_constant, universal_gravitation_constant 6.67408e-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
Rydberg constant Rydberg, Rydberg_constant 10973731.568508 m^-1
Wien wavelength displacement law constant Wien, Wien_constant, Wien_wavelength_displacement_law_constant 0.0028977729 m K
Avogadro constant N_A, L, Avogadro_number, Avogadro 6.022140857e23 mol^-1
electron volt eV, electron_volt 1.6021766208e-19 J

All Constants

All the CODATA dictionary keys and corrosponding variable names are listed below. Again the keys for the dictionary are used in the dictionary called 'constants', see the Examples above.

Dictionary key Variable Name Value
{220} lattice spacing of silicon _220_lattice_spacing_of_silicon 1.920155714e-10 m
alpha particle-electron mass ratio alpha_particle_electron_mass_ratio 7294.29954136 -
alpha particle mass alpha_particle_mass 6.64465723e-27 kg
alpha particle mass energy equivalent alpha_particle_mass_energy_equivalent 5.971920097e-10 J
alpha particle mass energy equivalent in MeV alpha_particle_mass_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 3727.379378 MeV
alpha particle mass in u alpha_particle_mass_in_u 4.001506179127 u
alpha particle molar mass alpha_particle_molar_mass 0.004001506179127 kg mol^-1
alpha particle-proton mass ratio alpha_particle_proton_mass_ratio 3.97259968907 -
Angstrom star Angstrom_star 1.00001495e-10 m
atomic mass constant atomic_mass_constant 1.66053904e-27 kg
atomic mass constant energy equivalent atomic_mass_constant_energy_equivalent 1.492418062e-10 J
atomic mass constant energy equivalent in MeV atomic_mass_constant_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 931.4940954 MeV
atomic mass unit-electron volt relationship atomic_mass_unit_electron_volt_relationship 931494095.4 eV
atomic mass unit-hartree relationship atomic_mass_unit_hartree_relationship 34231776.902 E_h
atomic mass unit-hertz relationship atomic_mass_unit_hertz_relationship 2.2523427206e+23 Hz
atomic mass unit-inverse meter relationship atomic_mass_unit_inverse_meter_relationship 751300661660000.0 m^-1
atomic mass unit-joule relationship atomic_mass_unit_joule_relationship 1.492418062e-10 J
atomic mass unit-kelvin relationship atomic_mass_unit_kelvin_relationship 10809543800000.0 K
atomic mass unit-kilogram relationship atomic_mass_unit_kilogram_relationship 1.66053904e-27 kg
atomic unit of 1st hyperpolarizability atomic_unit_of_1st_hyperpolarizability 3.206361329e-53 C^3 m^3 J^-2
atomic unit of 2nd hyperpolarizability atomic_unit_of_2nd_hyperpolarizability 6.235380085e-65 C^4 m^4 J^-3
atomic unit of action atomic_unit_of_action 1.0545718e-34 J s
atomic unit of charge atomic_unit_of_charge 1.6021766208e-19 C
atomic unit of charge density atomic_unit_of_charge_density 1081202377000.0 C m^-3
atomic unit of current atomic_unit_of_current 0.006623618183 A
atomic unit of electric dipole mom. atomic_unit_of_electric_dipole_mom 8.478353552e-30 C m
atomic unit of electric field atomic_unit_of_electric_field 514220670700.0 V m^-1
atomic unit of electric field gradient atomic_unit_of_electric_field_gradient 9.717362356e+21 V m^-2
atomic unit of electric polarizability atomic_unit_of_electric_polarizability 1.6487772731e-41 C^2 m^2 J^-1
atomic unit of electric potential atomic_unit_of_electric_potential 27.21138602 V
atomic unit of electric quadrupole mom. atomic_unit_of_electric_quadrupole_mom 4.486551484e-40 C m^2
atomic unit of energy atomic_unit_of_energy 4.35974465e-18 J
atomic unit of force atomic_unit_of_force 8.23872336e-08 N
atomic unit of length atomic_unit_of_length 5.2917721067e-11 m
atomic unit of mag. dipole mom. atomic_unit_of_mag_dipole_mom 1.854801999e-23 J T^-1
atomic unit of mag. flux density atomic_unit_of_mag_flux_density 235051.755 T
atomic unit of magnetizability atomic_unit_of_magnetizability 7.8910365886e-29 J T^-2
atomic unit of mass atomic_unit_of_mass 9.10938356e-31 kg
atomic unit of atomic_unit_of_momum 1.992851882e-24 kg m s^-1
atomic unit of permittivity atomic_unit_of_permittivity 1.112650056e-10 F m^-1
atomic unit of time atomic_unit_of_time 2.418884326509e-17 s
atomic unit of velocity atomic_unit_of_velocity 2187691.26277 m s^-1
Avogadro constant Avogadro_constant 6.022140857e+23 mol^-1
Bohr magneton Bohr_magneton 9.274009994e-24 J T^-1
Bohr magneton in eV/T Bohr_magneton_in_eVT 5.7883818012e-05 eV T^-1
Bohr magneton in Hz/T Bohr_magneton_in_HzT 13996245042.0 Hz T^-1
Bohr magneton in inverse meters per tesla Bohr_magneton_in_inverse_meters_per_tesla 46.68644814 m^-1 T^-1
Bohr magneton in K/T Bohr_magneton_in_KT 0.67171405 K T^-1
Bohr radius Bohr_radius 5.2917721067e-11 m
Boltzmann constant Boltzmann_constant 1.38064852e-23 J K^-1
Boltzmann constant in eV/K Boltzmann_constant_in_eVK 8.6173303e-05 eV K^-1
Boltzmann constant in Hz/K Boltzmann_constant_in_HzK 20836612000.0 Hz K^-1
Boltzmann constant in inverse meters per kelvin Boltzmann_constant_in_inverse_meters_per_kelvin 69.503457 m^-1 K^-1
characteristic impedance of vacuum characteristic_impedance_of_vacuum 376.730313461 ohm
classical electron radius classical_electron_radius 2.8179403227e-15 m
Compton wavelength Compton_wavelength 2.4263102367e-12 m
Compton wavelength over 2 pi Compton_wavelength_over_2_pi 3.8615926764e-13 m
conductance quantum conductance_quantum 7.748091731e-05 S
conventional value of Josephson constant conventional_value_of_Josephson_constant 483597900000000.0 Hz V^-1
conventional value of von Klitzing constant conventional_value_of_von_Klitzing_constant 25812.807 ohm
Cu x unit Cu_x_unit 1.00207697e-13 m
deuteron-electron mag. mom. ratio deuteron_electron_mag_mom_ratio -0.0004664345535 -
deuteron-electron mass ratio deuteron_electron_mass_ratio 3670.48296785 -
deuteron g factor deuteron_g_factor 0.8574382311 -
deuteron mag. mom. deuteron_mag_mom 4.33073504e-27 J T^-1
deuteron mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio deuteron_mag_mom_to_Bohr_magneton_ratio 0.0004669754554 -
deuteron mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio deuteron_mag_mom_to_nuclear_magneton_ratio 0.8574382311 -
deuteron mass deuteron_mass 3.343583719e-27 kg
deuteron mass energy equivalent deuteron_mass_energy_equivalent 3.005063183e-10 J
deuteron mass energy equivalent in MeV deuteron_mass_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 1875.612928 MeV
deuteron mass in u deuteron_mass_in_u 2.013553212745 u
deuteron molar mass deuteron_molar_mass 0.002013553212745 kg mol^-1
deuteron-neutron mag. mom. ratio deuteron_neutron_mag_mom_ratio -0.44820652 -
deuteron-proton mag. mom. ratio deuteron_proton_mag_mom_ratio 0.3070122077 -
deuteron-proton mass ratio deuteron_proton_mass_ratio 1.99900750087 -
deuteron rms charge radius deuteron_rms_charge_radius 2.1413e-15 m
electric constant electric_constant 8.854187817e-12 F m^-1
electron charge to mass quotient electron_charge_to_mass_quotient -175882002400.0 C kg^-1
electron-deuteron mag. mom. ratio electron_deuteron_mag_mom_ratio -2143.923499 -
electron-deuteron mass ratio electron_deuteron_mass_ratio 0.0002724437107484 -
electron g factor electron_g_factor -2.00231930436182 -
electron gyromag. ratio electron_gyromag_ratio 176085964400.0 s^-1 T^-1
electron gyromag. ratio over 2 pi electron_gyromag_ratio_over_2_pi 28024.95164 MHz T^-1
electron-helion mass ratio electron_helion_mass_ratio 0.0001819543074854 -
electron mag. mom. electron_mag_mom -9.28476462e-24 J T^-1
electron mag. mom. anomaly electron_mag_mom_anomaly 0.00115965218091 -
electron mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio electron_mag_mom_to_Bohr_magneton_ratio -1.00115965218091 -
electron mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio electron_mag_mom_to_nuclear_magneton_ratio -1838.28197234 -
electron mass electron_mass 9.10938356e-31 kg
electron mass energy equivalent electron_mass_energy_equivalent 8.18710565e-14 J
electron mass energy equivalent in MeV electron_mass_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 0.5109989461 MeV
electron mass in u electron_mass_in_u 0.00054857990907 u
electron molar mass electron_molar_mass 5.4857990907e-07 kg mol^-1
electron-muon mag. mom. ratio electron_muon_mag_mom_ratio 206.766988 -
electron-muon mass ratio electron_muon_mass_ratio 0.0048363317 -
electron-neutron mag. mom. ratio electron_neutron_mag_mom_ratio 960.9205 -
electron-neutron mass ratio electron_neutron_mass_ratio 0.00054386734428 -
electron-proton mag. mom. ratio electron_proton_mag_mom_ratio -658.2106866 -
electron-proton mass ratio electron_proton_mass_ratio 0.000544617021352 -
electron-tau mass ratio electron_tau_mass_ratio 0.000287592 -
electron to alpha particle mass ratio electron_to_alpha_particle_mass_ratio 0.0001370933554798 -
electron to shielded helion mag. mom. ratio electron_to_shielded_helion_mag_mom_ratio 864.058257 -
electron to shielded proton mag. mom. ratio electron_to_shielded_proton_mag_mom_ratio -658.2275971 -
electron-triton mass ratio electron_triton_mass_ratio 0.0001819200062203 -
electron volt electron_volt 1.6021766208e-19 J
electron volt-atomic mass unit relationship electron_volt_atomic_mass_unit_relationship 1.0735441105e-09 u
electron volt-hartree relationship electron_volt_hartree_relationship 0.03674932248 E_h
electron volt-hertz relationship electron_volt_hertz_relationship 241798926200000.0 Hz
electron volt-inverse meter relationship electron_volt_inverse_meter_relationship 806554.4005 m^-1
electron volt-joule relationship electron_volt_joule_relationship 1.6021766208e-19 J
electron volt-kelvin relationship electron_volt_kelvin_relationship 11604.5221 K
electron volt-kilogram relationship electron_volt_kilogram_relationship 1.782661907e-36 kg
elementary charge elementary_charge 1.6021766208e-19 C
elementary charge over h elementary_charge_over_h 241798926200000.0 A J^-1
Faraday constant Faraday_constant 96485.33289 C mol^-1
Faraday constant for conventional electric current Faraday_constant_for_conventional_electric_current 96485.3251 C_90 mol^-1
Fermi coupling constant Fermi_coupling_constant 1.1663787e-05 GeV^-2
fine-structure constant fine_structure_constant 0.0072973525664 -
first radiation constant first_radiation_constant 3.74177179e-16 W m^2
first radiation constant for spectral radiance first_radiation_constant_for_spectral_radiance 1.191042953e-16 W m^2 sr^-1
hartree-atomic mass unit relationship hartree_atomic_mass_unit_relationship 2.9212623197e-08 u
hartree-electron volt relationship hartree_electron_volt_relationship 27.21138602 eV
Hartree energy Hartree_energy 4.35974465e-18 J
Hartree energy in eV Hartree_energy_in_eV 27.21138602 eV
hartree-hertz relationship hartree_hertz_relationship 6579683920711000.0 Hz
hartree-inverse meter relationship hartree_inverse_meter_relationship 21947463.13702 m^-1
hartree-joule relationship hartree_joule_relationship 4.35974465e-18 J
hartree-kelvin relationship hartree_kelvin_relationship 315775.13 K
hartree-kilogram relationship hartree_kilogram_relationship 4.850870129e-35 kg
helion-electron mass ratio helion_electron_mass_ratio 5495.88527922 -
helion g factor helion_g_factor -4.255250616 -
helion mag. mom. helion_mag_mom -1.074617522e-26 J T^-1
helion mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio helion_mag_mom_to_Bohr_magneton_ratio -0.001158740958 -
helion mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio helion_mag_mom_to_nuclear_magneton_ratio -2.127625308 -
helion mass helion_mass 5.0064127e-27 kg
helion mass energy equivalent helion_mass_energy_equivalent 4.499539341e-10 J
helion mass energy equivalent in MeV helion_mass_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 2808.391586 MeV
helion mass in u helion_mass_in_u 3.01493224673 u
helion molar mass helion_molar_mass 0.00301493224673 kg mol^-1
helion-proton mass ratio helion_proton_mass_ratio 2.99315267046 -
hertz-atomic mass unit relationship hertz_atomic_mass_unit_relationship 4.4398216616e-24 u
hertz-electron volt relationship hertz_electron_volt_relationship 4.135667662e-15 eV
hertz-hartree relationship hertz_hartree_relationship 1.5198298460088e-16 E_h
hertz-inverse meter relationship hertz_inverse_meter_relationship 3.335640951e-09 m^-1
hertz-joule relationship hertz_joule_relationship 6.62607004e-34 J
hertz-kelvin relationship hertz_kelvin_relationship 4.7992447e-11 K
hertz-kilogram relationship hertz_kilogram_relationship 7.372497201e-51 kg
inverse fine-structure constant inverse_fine_structure_constant 137.035999139 -
inverse meter-atomic mass unit relationship inverse_meter_atomic_mass_unit_relationship 1.331025049e-15 u
inverse meter-electron volt relationship inverse_meter_electron_volt_relationship 1.2398419739e-06 eV
inverse meter-hartree relationship inverse_meter_hartree_relationship 4.556335252767e-08 E_h
inverse meter-hertz relationship inverse_meter_hertz_relationship 299792458.0 Hz
inverse meter-joule relationship inverse_meter_joule_relationship 1.986445824e-25 J
inverse meter-kelvin relationship inverse_meter_kelvin_relationship 0.0143877736 K
inverse meter-kilogram relationship inverse_meter_kilogram_relationship 2.210219057e-42 kg
inverse of conductance quantum inverse_of_conductance_quantum 12906.4037278 ohm
Josephson constant Josephson_constant 483597852500000.0 Hz V^-1
joule-atomic mass unit relationship joule_atomic_mass_unit_relationship 6700535363.0 u
joule-electron volt relationship joule_electron_volt_relationship 6.241509126e+18 eV
joule-hartree relationship joule_hartree_relationship 2.293712317e+17 E_h
joule-hertz relationship joule_hertz_relationship 1.509190205e+33 Hz
joule-inverse meter relationship joule_inverse_meter_relationship 5.034116651e+24 m^-1
joule-kelvin relationship joule_kelvin_relationship 7.2429731e+22 K
joule-kilogram relationship joule_kilogram_relationship 1.112650056e-17 kg
kelvin-atomic mass unit relationship kelvin_atomic_mass_unit_relationship 9.2510842e-14 u
kelvin-electron volt relationship kelvin_electron_volt_relationship 8.6173303e-05 eV
kelvin-hartree relationship kelvin_hartree_relationship 3.1668105e-06 E_h
kelvin-hertz relationship kelvin_hertz_relationship 20836612000.0 Hz
kelvin-inverse meter relationship kelvin_inverse_meter_relationship 69.503457 m^-1
kelvin-joule relationship kelvin_joule_relationship 1.38064852e-23 J
kelvin-kilogram relationship kelvin_kilogram_relationship 1.53617865e-40 kg
kilogram-atomic mass unit relationship kilogram_atomic_mass_unit_relationship 6.022140857e+26 u
kilogram-electron volt relationship kilogram_electron_volt_relationship 5.60958865e+35 eV
kilogram-hartree relationship kilogram_hartree_relationship 2.061485823e+34 E_h
kilogram-hertz relationship kilogram_hertz_relationship 1.356392512e+50 Hz
kilogram-inverse meter relationship kilogram_inverse_meter_relationship 4.524438411e+41 m^-1
kilogram-joule relationship kilogram_joule_relationship 8.987551787e+16 J
kilogram-kelvin relationship kilogram_kelvin_relationship 6.5096595e+39 K
lattice parameter of silicon lattice_parameter_of_silicon 5.431020504e-10 m
Loschmidt constant (273.15 K, 100 kPa) Loschmidt_constant_27315_K_100_kPa 2.6516467e+25 m^-3
Loschmidt constant (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa) Loschmidt_constant_27315_K_101325_kPa 2.6867811e+25 m^-3
mag. constant mag_constant 1.2566370614e-06 N A^-2
mag. flux quantum mag_flux_quantum 2.067833831e-15 Wb
molar gas constant molar_gas_constant 8.3144598 J mol^-1 K^-1
molar mass constant molar_mass_constant 0.001 kg mol^-1
molar mass of carbon-12 molar_mass_of_carbon_12 0.012 kg mol^-1
molar Planck constant molar_Planck_constant 3.990312711e-10 J s mol^-1
molar Planck constant times c molar_Planck_constant_times_c 0.119626565582 J m mol^-1
molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 100 kPa) molar_volume_of_ideal_gas_27315_K_100_kPa 0.022710947 m^3 mol^-1
molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa) molar_volume_of_ideal_gas_27315_K_101325_kPa 0.022413962 m^3 mol^-1
molar volume of silicon molar_volume_of_silicon 1.205883214e-05 m^3 mol^-1
Mo x unit Mo_x_unit 1.00209952e-13 m
muon Compton wavelength muon_Compton_wavelength 1.173444111e-14 m
muon Compton wavelength over 2 pi muon_Compton_wavelength_over_2_pi 1.867594308e-15 m
muon-electron mass ratio muon_electron_mass_ratio 206.7682826 -
muon g factor muon_g_factor -2.0023318418 -
muon mag. mom. muon_mag_mom -4.49044826e-26 J T^-1
muon mag. mom. anomaly muon_mag_mom_anomaly 0.00116592089 -
muon mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio muon_mag_mom_to_Bohr_magneton_ratio -0.00484197048 -
muon mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio muon_mag_mom_to_nuclear_magneton_ratio -8.89059705 -
muon mass muon_mass 1.883531594e-28 kg
muon mass energy equivalent muon_mass_energy_equivalent 1.692833774e-11 J
muon mass energy equivalent in MeV muon_mass_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 105.6583745 MeV
muon mass in u muon_mass_in_u 0.1134289257 u
muon molar mass muon_molar_mass 0.0001134289257 kg mol^-1
muon-neutron mass ratio muon_neutron_mass_ratio 0.1124545167 -
muon-proton mag. mom. ratio muon_proton_mag_mom_ratio -3.183345142 -
muon-proton mass ratio muon_proton_mass_ratio 0.1126095262 -
muon-tau mass ratio muon_tau_mass_ratio 0.0594649 -
natural unit of action natural_unit_of_action 1.0545718e-34 J s
natural unit of action in eV s natural_unit_of_action_in_eV_s 6.582119514e-16 eV s
natural unit of energy natural_unit_of_energy 8.18710565e-14 J
natural unit of energy in MeV natural_unit_of_energy_in_MeV 0.5109989461 MeV
natural unit of length natural_unit_of_length 3.8615926764e-13 m
natural unit of mass natural_unit_of_mass 9.10938356e-31 kg
natural unit of natural_unit_of_momum 2.730924488e-22 kg m s^-1
natural unit of in MeV/c natural_unit_of_momum_in_MeVc 0.5109989461 MeV/c
natural unit of time natural_unit_of_time 1.28808866712e-21 s
natural unit of velocity natural_unit_of_velocity 299792458.0 m s^-1
neutron Compton wavelength neutron_Compton_wavelength 1.31959090481e-15 m
neutron Compton wavelength over 2 pi neutron_Compton_wavelength_over_2_pi 2.1001941536e-16 m
neutron-electron mag. mom. ratio neutron_electron_mag_mom_ratio 0.00104066882 -
neutron-electron mass ratio neutron_electron_mass_ratio 1838.68366158 -
neutron g factor neutron_g_factor -3.82608545 -
neutron gyromag. ratio neutron_gyromag_ratio 183247172.0 s^-1 T^-1
neutron gyromag. ratio over 2 pi neutron_gyromag_ratio_over_2_pi 29.1646933 MHz T^-1
neutron mag. mom. neutron_mag_mom -9.662365e-27 J T^-1
neutron mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio neutron_mag_mom_to_Bohr_magneton_ratio -0.00104187563 -
neutron mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio neutron_mag_mom_to_nuclear_magneton_ratio -1.91304273 -
neutron mass neutron_mass 1.674927471e-27 kg
neutron mass energy equivalent neutron_mass_energy_equivalent 1.505349739e-10 J
neutron mass energy equivalent in MeV neutron_mass_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 939.5654133 MeV
neutron mass in u neutron_mass_in_u 1.00866491588 u
neutron molar mass neutron_molar_mass 0.00100866491588 kg mol^-1
neutron-muon mass ratio neutron_muon_mass_ratio 8.89248408 -
neutron-proton mag. mom. ratio neutron_proton_mag_mom_ratio -0.68497934 -
neutron-proton mass difference neutron_proton_mass_difference 2.30557377e-30 -
neutron-proton mass difference energy equivalent neutron_proton_mass_difference_energy_equivalent 2.07214637e-13 -
neutron-proton mass difference energy equivalent in MeV neutron_proton_mass_difference_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 1.29333205 -
neutron-proton mass difference in u neutron_proton_mass_difference_in_u 0.001388449 -
neutron-proton mass ratio neutron_proton_mass_ratio 1.00137841898 -
neutron-tau mass ratio neutron_tau_mass_ratio 0.52879 -
neutron to shielded proton mag. mom. ratio neutron_to_shielded_proton_mag_mom_ratio -0.68499694 -
Newtonian constant of gravitation Newtonian_constant_of_gravitation 6.67408e-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
Newtonian constant of gravitation over h-bar c Newtonian_constant_of_gravitation_over_h_bar_c 6.70861e-39 (GeV/c^2)^-2
nuclear magneton nuclear_magneton 5.050783699e-27 J T^-1
nuclear magneton in eV/T nuclear_magneton_in_eVT 3.152451255e-08 eV T^-1
nuclear magneton in inverse meters per tesla nuclear_magneton_in_inverse_meters_per_tesla 0.02542623432 m^-1 T^-1
nuclear magneton in K/T nuclear_magneton_in_KT 0.0003658269 K T^-1
nuclear magneton in MHz/T nuclear_magneton_in_MHzT 7.622593285 MHz T^-1
Planck constant Planck_constant 6.62607004e-34 J s
Planck constant in eV s Planck_constant_in_eV_s 4.135667662e-15 eV s
Planck constant over 2 pi Planck_constant_over_2_pi 1.0545718e-34 J s
Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s Planck_constant_over_2_pi_in_eV_s 6.582119514e-16 eV s
Planck constant over 2 pi times c in MeV fm Planck_constant_over_2_pi_times_c_in_MeV_fm 197.3269788 MeV fm
Planck length Planck_length 1.616229e-35 m
Planck mass Planck_mass 2.17647e-08 kg
Planck mass energy equivalent in GeV Planck_mass_energy_equivalent_in_GeV 1.22091e+19 GeV
Planck temperature Planck_temperature 1.416808e+32 K
Planck time Planck_time 5.39116e-44 s
proton charge to mass quotient proton_charge_to_mass_quotient 95788332.26 C kg^-1
proton Compton wavelength proton_Compton_wavelength 1.32140985396e-15 m
proton Compton wavelength over 2 pi proton_Compton_wavelength_over_2_pi 2.10308910109e-16 m
proton-electron mass ratio proton_electron_mass_ratio 1836.15267389 -
proton g factor proton_g_factor 5.585694702 -
proton gyromag. ratio proton_gyromag_ratio 267522190.0 s^-1 T^-1
proton gyromag. ratio over 2 pi proton_gyromag_ratio_over_2_pi 42.57747892 MHz T^-1
proton mag. mom. proton_mag_mom 1.4106067873e-26 J T^-1
proton mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio proton_mag_mom_to_Bohr_magneton_ratio 0.0015210322053 -
proton mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio proton_mag_mom_to_nuclear_magneton_ratio 2.7928473508 -
proton mag. shielding correction proton_mag_shielding_correction 2.5691e-05 -
proton mass proton_mass 1.672621898e-27 kg
proton mass energy equivalent proton_mass_energy_equivalent 1.503277593e-10 J
proton mass energy equivalent in MeV proton_mass_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 938.2720813 MeV
proton mass in u proton_mass_in_u 1.007276466879 u
proton molar mass proton_molar_mass 0.001007276466879 kg mol^-1
proton-muon mass ratio proton_muon_mass_ratio 8.88024338 -
proton-neutron mag. mom. ratio proton_neutron_mag_mom_ratio -1.45989805 -
proton-neutron mass ratio proton_neutron_mass_ratio 0.99862347844 -
proton rms charge radius proton_rms_charge_radius 8.751e-16 m
proton-tau mass ratio proton_tau_mass_ratio 0.528063 -
quantum of circulation quantum_of_circulation 0.00036369475486 m^2 s^-1
quantum of circulation times 2 quantum_of_circulation_times_2 0.00072738950972 m^2 s^-1
Rydberg constant Rydberg_constant 10973731.568508 m^-1
Rydberg constant times c in Hz Rydberg_constant_times_c_in_Hz 3289841960355000.0 Hz
Rydberg constant times hc in eV Rydberg_constant_times_hc_in_eV 13.605693009 eV
Rydberg constant times hc in J Rydberg_constant_times_hc_in_J 2.179872325e-18 J
Sackur-Tetrode constant (1 K, 100 kPa) Sackur_Tetrode_constant_1_K_100_kPa -1.1517084 -
Sackur-Tetrode constant (1 K, 101.325 kPa) Sackur_Tetrode_constant_1_K_101325_kPa -1.1648714 -
second radiation constant second_radiation_constant 0.0143877736 m K
shielded helion gyromag. ratio shielded_helion_gyromag_ratio 203789458.5 s^-1 T^-1
shielded helion gyromag. ratio over 2 pi shielded_helion_gyromag_ratio_over_2_pi 32.43409966 MHz T^-1
shielded helion mag. mom. shielded_helion_mag_mom -1.07455308e-26 J T^-1
shielded helion mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio shielded_helion_mag_mom_to_Bohr_magneton_ratio -0.001158671471 -
shielded helion mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio shielded_helion_mag_mom_to_nuclear_magneton_ratio -2.12749772 -
shielded helion to proton mag. mom. ratio shielded_helion_to_proton_mag_mom_ratio -0.7617665603 -
shielded helion to shielded proton mag. mom. ratio shielded_helion_to_shielded_proton_mag_mom_ratio -0.7617861313 -
shielded proton gyromag. ratio shielded_proton_gyromag_ratio 267515317.1 s^-1 T^-1
shielded proton gyromag. ratio over 2 pi shielded_proton_gyromag_ratio_over_2_pi 42.57638507 MHz T^-1
shielded proton mag. mom. shielded_proton_mag_mom 1.410570547e-26 J T^-1
shielded proton mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio shielded_proton_mag_mom_to_Bohr_magneton_ratio 0.001520993128 -
shielded proton mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio shielded_proton_mag_mom_to_nuclear_magneton_ratio 2.7927756 -
speed of light in vacuum speed_of_light_in_vacuum 299792458.0 m s^-1
standard acceleration of gravity standard_acceleration_of_gravity 9.80665 m s^-2
standard atmosphere standard_atmosphere 101325.0 Pa
standard-state pressure standard_state_pressure 100000.0 Pa
Stefan-Boltzmann constant Stefan_Boltzmann_constant 5.670367e-08 W m^-2 K^-4
tau Compton wavelength tau_Compton_wavelength 6.97787e-16 m
tau Compton wavelength over 2 pi tau_Compton_wavelength_over_2_pi 1.11056e-16 m
tau-electron mass ratio tau_electron_mass_ratio 3477.15 -
tau mass tau_mass 3.16747e-27 kg
tau mass energy equivalent tau_mass_energy_equivalent 2.84678e-10 J
tau mass energy equivalent in MeV tau_mass_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 1776.82 MeV
tau mass in u tau_mass_in_u 1.90749 u
tau molar mass tau_molar_mass 0.00190749 kg mol^-1
tau-muon mass ratio tau_muon_mass_ratio 16.8167 -
tau-neutron mass ratio tau_neutron_mass_ratio 1.89111 -
tau-proton mass ratio tau_proton_mass_ratio 1.89372 -
Thomson cross section Thomson_cross_section 6.6524587158e-29 m^2
triton-electron mass ratio triton_electron_mass_ratio 5496.92153588 -
triton g factor triton_g_factor 5.95792492 -
triton mag. mom. triton_mag_mom 1.504609503e-26 J T^-1
triton mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio triton_mag_mom_to_Bohr_magneton_ratio 0.0016223936616 -
triton mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio triton_mag_mom_to_nuclear_magneton_ratio 2.97896246 -
triton mass triton_mass 5.007356665e-27 kg
triton mass energy equivalent triton_mass_energy_equivalent 4.500387735e-10 J
triton mass energy equivalent in MeV triton_mass_energy_equivalent_in_MeV 2808.921112 MeV
triton mass in u triton_mass_in_u 3.01550071632 u
triton molar mass triton_molar_mass 0.00301550071632 kg mol^-1
triton-proton mass ratio triton_proton_mass_ratio 2.99371703348 -
unified atomic mass unit unified_atomic_mass_unit 1.66053904e-27 kg
von Klitzing constant von_Klitzing_constant 25812.8074555 ohm
weak mixing angle weak_mixing_angle 0.2223 -
Wien frequency displacement law constant Wien_frequency_displacement_law_constant 58789238000.0 Hz K^-1
Wien wavelength displacement law constant Wien_wavelength_displacement_law_constant 0.0028977729 m K

SI - Prefixes

Variable Name Magnitude
yotta 1024
zetta 1021
exa 1018
peta 1015
tera 1012
giga 109
mega 106
kilo 103
hecto 102
deka 101
deci 10-1
centi 10-2
milli 10-3
micro 10-6
nano 10-9
pico 10-12
femto 10-15
atto 10-18
zepto 10-21


[1] : CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants.