Common Restful Test Tool

restful, test, tool
pip install CRTT==0.8.1



Only Python3 is supported.

CRTT is shortened for Common [RESTful] Test Tool; it can be used in following occasions:

  • Test the reliability of RESTful server
  • Find unknown issue
  • Stress test for RESTful server
  • Key String matching


  • This tool is intended to support all kinds of RESTful server, from Redfish to...




Install with pip3:

pip3 install CRTT

Quick Start

from CRTT.get_nodes import GET_NODE
get_node=GET_NODE(host, client_app_ver, port)

Or use build-in sample:

`./ <>`_

Arguments & CLI options:

  • --help: Print help message and exit
  • --config-dir: Path to a config directory to pull *.conf files from.
  • --config-file: Path to a config file to use. Multiple config files can be specified, with values in later files taking precedence.
  • --CLI-comp_file: The url response data comparing file
  • --CLI-cycles: How many times we scan the nodes
  • --CLI-time_to_stop: CLI_TIME_TO_STOP: If both this option and --CLI-cycles are set, the one which comes first will take effect.
  • --CLI-retry: How many times retries after failure

Response check from URL:

The conf file for checking response from URL is defined in file value_check.conf by default, but you can also define it when run CLI, refer the help:

[MemoryModule]      #The name of current url, can be found by key "Name"

SizeGB= 16          #The size of memory of current url

VoltageVolt= 1.21 < 1.30 < x < 1.40 < 1.51          #The threshold check format, it should have LowerThresholdFatal,     LowerThresholdWarning, UpperThresholdWarning, UpperThresholdCritical

If the node_name or the check_key is not defined properly, it won't check without any warning.

For Advanced user:

This application provides a config file to let user customize, modify. One can change the setting in file CRTT.conf, here is the help for this document:


#Noen by default, This one will take effect of rest of this section.
client_name=redfish     #The name of the RESTful client application.
host=      #The IP of this RESTful server
bind_port = 8888        #The port of the RESTful service.
ver_support = 1         #The ver list of the RESTful client application.
client_app_ver=1        #The ver of this RESTful client app
subnode_keys= ''   # All sub nodes should be found in a dict, and this defines the key to find sub nodes


value_file=Red_lib/product/url_dict.conf    #This file is used to check the
#response(response is in JSON format) from RESTful server .
cycle=20                #How many cycles to scan all the nodes
processes =4                        #How many of processes in this running host

app_name='redfish_test'     #The log channel name
logfilename='redfish.html'  #The file name to save html log file
log_format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
root_level=10               #The root log level
ch_level=10                 #The log level for console stream logging
fh_level=20                 #The log level for html file stream logging
html_color=color_2          #How we display the msg in the html file, it has options, choose one from below dict.
color_1=err_color: red, warn_color: yellow, info_color: white, dbg_color: white
color_2=err_color: red, warn_color: orange, info_color: white, dbg_color:blue

Keyword_Italic=True         #The setting of keyword in html log
Keyword_FontSize=3          #The setting of keyword in html log
Keyword_tag_start="<hl>"    #The setting of keyword in html log
Keyword_tag_end="</hl>"     #The setting of keyword in html log
title=Red fish log          #The tile for html log
console_log=True            #Display log to console?
HtmlmaxBytes=52428800       # You can specify particular values of maxBytes and backupCount to allow the
                        #file to rollover at predetermined size if rotating is set to True, otherwise
                        #rotate file without backCount limited.

http_time_warn=0.5          #Setting of response time from RESTful server
http_time_error=1.2         #Setting of response time from RESTful server
timeout=3                   #The max time(second) to get response from RESTful server
retries=4                   #How many times to retry if error occurs
delay=1.5                   #Time delay during a next retry if error occurs
backoff=2                   #backoff of delay
failonerror=False           #Stop test if fail still occurs if retries.

Modules defined:


This file contains classes and functions: GEN_URL, GET_NODE, URL_REQUEST and Responses check:

GEN_URL: This class is to build complete URL.

A complete URL to interact with RESTful server is like this: :

here is example to use:


GET_NODE: Scan and find all the child nodes from root(is node_path=None) or any node that is defined in function "scan_node", and put them into a list, during this scanning and searching, one can compare the value returned from RESTful server . url_list contains all the urls after scanning.

URL_REQUEST: Send Request to RESTful server, generally, the request should be one of GET, PUT, POST, DELETE. This class can handle all http errors. Example:

url_request.get_req(value)   #Value: a python dict

Reponse_check: It has two functions: 1. Check the response from RESTful server which defined in file [url_dict.conf] 2. Check if request time exceeds the limit.


This file is an independent module, it's a decorator and used to retry a function in a particular error occurs. retry calling the decorated function using an exponential backoff. Example:

@retry(ExceptionToCheck=ValueError,  tries=3, delay=1, backoff=1,stoponerror=False, logger=None)
def foo():
      raise ValueError
   except ValueError as ve:

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