
A lightweight in-memory caching library with disk persistence. Supports both sync and async functions.

cache, caching, disk, cache-disk, database, key-value, asynchronous, key-value-database, memory, optimization, python
pip install CacheDisk==0.2



CacheDisk is a lightweight, in-memory caching library designed for Python, offering seamless disk persistence. It provides a drop-in optimization for your frequently used sync/async functions, allowing you to cache their results and retrieve them from memory on subsequent calls.


  • Easy-to-use decorators to cache the results of functions, both synchronously and asynchronously.
  • Disk persistence allows your cache to survive across application restarts, enhancing data retrieval times for repeated operations.
  • Flexible storage options with support for JSON and Pickle, choose according to your compatibility or performance needs.
  • Culling functionality to remove infrequently used cache entries, ensuring that your cache does not grow unbounded.
  • Configurable caching parameters allowing fine-tuned performance to match the needs of your application, by avoiding slow-downs caused by disk writes.


CacheDisk is available on PyPi and can be installed using pip:

pip install cachedisk

Quick Start

Basic Caching Example

Here's a quick example to get you started with CacheDisk:

from cachedisk import CacheDisk, CacheDiskConfig

# Optional: Configure CacheDisk to use JSON for serialization
CacheDiskConfig.use_json = True

def expensive_function(param1):
    # Simulate an expensive or time-consuming operation
    return some_expensive_computation(param1)

# First call will compute and cache the result
result = expensive_function('some_input')

# Subsequent calls with the same input will fetch the result from the cache
cached_result = expensive_function('some_input')

For asynchronous functions, simply use the @CacheDisk.async_disk_cache() decorator in a similar fashion.

Configuring the Cache Directory

By default, CacheDisk uses a directory named cache_data in your current working directory. You can customize the cache directory as follows:

CacheDiskConfig.cache_dir = '/path/to/your/custom/cache/directory'

Committing Cache Changes

To manually trigger saving all pending cache changes to disk:


This can be particularly useful before application shutdown or after a batch of operations.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue if you have feedback, ideas, or code improvements.


CacheDisk is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for more details.