
Centromere statistics toolkit.

pip install CenStats==0.0.2




Determine the status of centromeric contigs based on RepeatMasker annotations.


pip install git+https://github.com/logsdon-lab/cen-stats.git


Takes RepeatMasker output from centromeric contigs to check and centromeric contigs from a reference.

usage: cen-stats [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] -r REFERENCE [--dst_perc_thr DST_PERC_THR] [--edge_perc_alr_thr EDGE_PERC_ALR_THR] [--edge_len EDGE_LEN]
                 [--max_alr_len_thr MAX_ALR_LEN_THR]

Determines if centromeres are incorrectly oriented/mapped with respect to a reference.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input RepeatMasker output. Should contain contig reference. Expects no header.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        List of contigs with actions required to fix.
  -r REFERENCE, --reference REFERENCE
                        Reference RM dataframe.
  --dst_perc_thr DST_PERC_THR
                        Edit distance percentile threshold. Lower is more stringent.
  --edge_perc_alr_thr EDGE_PERC_ALR_THR
                        Percent ALR on edges of contig to be considered a partial centromere.
  --edge_len EDGE_LEN   Edge len to calculate edge_perc_alr_thr.
  --max_alr_len_thr MAX_ALR_LEN_THR
                        Length of largest ALR needed in a contig to not be considered a partial centromere.
cen-stats -i input_cens.out -r ref_cens.out > cens_status.tsv

Return tab-delimited output with the following fields:

  1. Original contig name.
  2. Remapped contig name.
  3. Correct orientation of contig with fwd indicating an already correctly oriented contig.
  4. Contig is a partial centromeric contig.
HG00171_chr21_haplotype2-0000154:33297526-38584922      HG00171_chr21_haplotype2-0000154:33297526-38584922      rev     false
HG00171_chr21_haplotype1-0000029:4196961-10792258       HG00171_chr13_haplotype1-0000029:4196961-10792258       fwd     false
HG00171_chr21_haplotype1-0000019:33327260-37313906      HG00171_chr21_haplotype1-0000019:33327260-37313906      rev     true
chm13_chr21:7700001-11850000    chm13_chr21:7700001-11850000    fwd     false

Similarity Metrics

Two metrics are used to determine orientation and mapping.


  1. Every centromeric contig and its reverse orientation is paired with a reference centromeric contig.

    • Repeat types are used to gauge similarity.
  2. Next, the both metrics are calculated for each pair.

    • If both chromosomes in a pair are acrocentric and have similar number of HOR arrays, then only repeats along the q-arm are used.
      • This is due to high recombination along the p-arms [1].
  3. Partial contigs are checked by calculating the percentage of ALR/Alpha repeat types along the edges of the contig.

    • If the percentage is greater than a set threshold, the contig is considered partial.
    • If the above condition is not met, also check the length of the largest ALR repeat found.
      • If does not meet a set threshold, consider the contig as partial.
      • This handles edges cases for chr21 and chr22 contigs which have only have the q-arm which would meet the first condition but miss the central ALR.
  4. The results for each pair are grouped by contig and merged/filtered depending on the metric.

    • Jaccard index
      • Select the pair with the largest similarity index.
    • Edit distance
      • Filter pairs with an edit distance below the 30th percentile of all distances and select the pair with the lowest distance from the filtered group.
      • We also calculate create a separate table with only pairs with matching chromosomes to use as a default pair if no pairs remain after filtering.
  5. The results are joined by contig and determined by the following checks:

    • If both jaccard index and edit distance agree, the chromosome contig name is remapped to the reference chromosome. Its orientation is used.
    • If neither metric agrees, the chromosome contig name remains the same. The orientation is determined by the best match in the separate table with only pairs with matching chromosomes.


make venv && make build && make install
source venv/bin/activate && cen-stats -h

To run tests:

source venv/bin/activate && pip install pytest
pytest -s -vv


  1. Guarracino, A., Buonaiuto, S., de Lima, L.G. et al. Recombination between heterologous human acrocentric chromosomes. Nature 617, 335–343 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05976-y