A a framework for cleaning, pre-processing and exploring data in a scalable and distributed manner.

apache-spark, data-cleaning, preprocessing, pyspark, python3
pip install CleanFlow==1.3.3a1


CleanFlow is a framework for cleaning, pre-processing and exploring data in a scalable and distributed manner. Being built on top of Apache Spark, it is highly scalable.


  • Explore data
  • Clean Data
  • Get output in different formats


pip install CleanFlow

Sample usage

Start Pyspark session

$ pyspark

Welcome to
      ____              __
     / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
    _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
   /__ / .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 2.2.1

Using Python version 3.5.2 (default, Nov 23 2017 16:37:01)
SparkSession available as 'spark'.

Load data

# DataFrame (df)
>>> df = sqlContext.read.format('csv').options(header='true',inferschema='true').load('sample.csv')
>>> type(df)


>>> df.printSchema()
 |-- summons_number: long (nullable = true)
 |-- issue_date: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- violation_code: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- violation_county: string (nullable = true)
 |-- violation_description: string (nullable = true)
 |-- violation_location: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- violation_precinct: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- violation_time: string (nullable = true)
 |-- time_first_observed: string (nullable = true)
 |-- meter_number: string (nullable = true)
 |-- issuer_code: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- issuer_command: string (nullable = true)
 |-- issuer_precinct: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- issuing_agency: string (nullable = true)
 |-- plate_id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- plate_type: string (nullable = true)
 |-- registration_state: string (nullable = true)
 |-- street_name: string (nullable = true)
 |-- vehicle_body_type: string (nullable = true)
 |-- vehicle_color: string (nullable = true)
 |-- vehicle_make: string (nullable = true)
 |-- vehicle_year: string (nullable = true)

Explore Data

>>> from cleanflow.exploratory import describe
>>> describe(df)
summons_number violation_code violation_location violation_precinct issuer_code
count 1.000000e+05 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.00000
mean 6.046625e+09 36.468890 66.483920 66.483980 445461.251460
std 2.384666e+09 19.455201 34.810481 34.810365 199702.620407
min 1.119098e+09 1.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 7.014648e+09 21.000000 43.000000 43.000000 355455.000000
50% 7.100271e+09 37.000000 66.000000 66.000000 361282.000000
75% 7.451945e+09 41.000000 103.000000 103.000000 363040.000000
max 7.698377e+09 99.000000 803.000000 803.000000 999843.000000
>>> # Choose a subset of data
>>> df = df.select('summons_number', 'violation_code', 'violation_county', 'plate_type', 'vehicle_year')
>>> df.show(10)
|    1307964308|            14|            NY! |       PAS|        2008|
|    1362655727|            98|            BX$ |       PAS|        1999|
|    1363178234|            21|            NY$ |       COM|           0|
|    1365797030|            74|            K$! |       PAS|        1999|
|    1366529595|            38|             NY |       COM|        2005|
|    1366571757|            20|              NY|       COM|        2013|
|    1363178192|            21|              NY|       PAS|           0|
|    1362906062|            21|              BX|       PAS|        2008|
|    1367591351|            40|               K|       PAS|        2005|
|    1354042244|            20|              NY|       COM|           0|
only showing top 10 rows
>>> from cleanflow.exploratory import check_duplicates, find_unique
>>> check_duplicates(df, column='violation_county').show()
|             K|29123|
|             Q|25961|
|            BX|21203|
|            NY|20513|
|             R| 2728|
|          null|  467|
>>> find_unique(df, column='violation_county').show()
|           K|29123|
|           Q|25961|
|          BX|21203|
|          NY|20513|
|           R| 2728|
|        null|  467|
|         NY |    1|
|        NY$ |    1|
|        K$! |    1|
|        BX$ |    1|
|        NY! |    1|

Clean data

>>> import cleanflow.preprocessing as cfpr
>>> cfpr.rmSpChars(cfpr.trim_col(df)).show(10)
|    1307964308|            14|              NY|       PAS|        2008|
|    1362655727|            98|              BX|       PAS|        1999|
|    1363178234|            21|              NY|       COM|           0|
|    1365797030|            74|               K|       PAS|        1999|
|    1366529595|            38|              NY|       COM|        2005|
|    1366571757|            20|              NY|       COM|        2013|
|    1363178192|            21|              NY|       PAS|           0|
|    1362906062|            21|              BX|       PAS|        2008|
|    1367591351|            40|               K|       PAS|        2005|
|    1354042244|            20|              NY|       COM|           0|
only showing top 10 rows

>>> cfpr.rmSpChars(trim_col(df), regex='[^A-Za-z0-9]+').show(10)
|    1307964308|            14|              NY|       PAS|        2008|
|    1362655727|            98|              BX|       PAS|        1999|
|    1363178234|            21|              NY|       COM|           0|
|    1365797030|            74|               K|       PAS|        1999|
|    1366529595|            38|              NY|       COM|        2005|
|    1366571757|            20|              NY|       COM|        2013|
|    1363178192|            21|              NY|       PAS|           0|
|    1362906062|            21|              BX|       PAS|        2008|
|    1367591351|            40|               K|       PAS|        2005|
|    1354042244|            20|              NY|       COM|           0|
only showing top 10 rows
>>> cfpr.upper_case(cfpr.lower_case(df), columns='violation_county').show(10)
|    1307964308|            14|            NY! |       pas|        2008|
|    1362655727|            98|            BX$ |       pas|        1999|
|    1363178234|            21|            NY$ |       com|           0|
|    1365797030|            74|            K$! |       pas|        1999|
|    1366529595|            38|             NY |       com|        2005|
|    1366571757|            20|              NY|       com|        2013|
|    1363178192|            21|              NY|       pas|           0|
|    1362906062|            21|              BX|       pas|        2008|
|    1367591351|            40|               K|       pas|        2005|
|    1354042244|            20|              NY|       com|           0|
only showing top 10 rows