
A versioning solution for relational data models using the Django ORM. Please use swisscom/cleanerversion, this is just a temporary release with an additional bugfix.

pip install CleanerVersion-anfema==1.5.3.post3


CleanerVersion for Django

Temporary release

This is just a temporary release with an additional bugfix, the changes can be reviewed here:

All credits belog to @swisscom. Please also use @swisscom/cleanerversion instead for the long term. This package will be removed after the bugfix has been merged and deployed.


CleanerVersion is a solution that allows you to read and write multiple versions of an entry to and from your relational database. It allows to keep track of modifications on an object over time, as described by the theory of Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) - Type 2.

CleanerVersion therefore enables a Django-based Datawarehouse, which was the initial idea of this package.


CleanerVersion's feature-set includes the following bullet points:

  • Simple versioning of an object (according to SCD, Type 2)
    • Retrieval of the current version of the object
    • Retrieval of an object's state at any point in time
  • Versioning of One-to-Many relationships
    • For any point in time, retrieval of correct related objects
  • Versioning of Many-to-Many relationships
    • For any point in time, retrieval of correct related objects
  • Migrations, if using in conjunction with Django 1.7 and upwards
  • Integration with Django Admin (Credits to @boydjohnson and @peterfarrell)


This code was tested with the following technical components

  • Python 2.7 & 3.4
  • Django 1.6, 1.7 & 1.8
  • PostgreSQL 9.3.4 & SQLite3


Find a detailed documentation at

Feature requests

  • Querying for time ranges