Programmatic configuration library for Python 3.

pip install ConfigMaster==2.3.6



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What is ConfigMaster?

ConfigMaster is a simple library for accessing config files programmatically. No longer will you have to mess with list lookups and dict lookups when you wish to load a config file.
Instead, objects in the file are accessed as simple class attributes.

What is supported

ConfigMaster supports the following formats built-in:

  • YAML Config Files (through the PyYAML module)
  • JSON Config Files (through json)
  • INI Config Files (through ConfigParser)
  • Networked versions of YAML/JSON files.

Support for different types of config files grows all the time - feel free to fork and add support!


  • Add in support for python ConfigParser formats Added in version 1.4.0
  • Add in networked JSON support Added in version 1.3.0
  • Add more docstrings
  • Make proper documentation
  • Add tests Added in version 1.3.1

How to install

For the latest stable version uploaded to PyPI, use:
pip install configmaster

For the latest stable version uploaded to git, use:
pip install git+ssh://

For the latest dev version, use:
pip install git+ssh://

After installing, running the tests is recommended.

py.test -rfEsxXw -v --strict

How to use

ConfigMaster handles everything for you. Simply specify the location of your file, and the values will be automatically loaded for you.

>>> from configmaster import YAMLConfigFile  
>>> cfg = YAMLConfigFile.YAMLConfigFile("test.yml") # Created automatically if it doesn't exist  

Networked config files are supported too.

>>> from configmaster import JSONConfigFile
>>> cfg = JSONConfigFile.NetworkedJSONConfigFile("")

To access config values, get the attribute you want from the config object stored.

# YAML data is {"a": 1, "b": [1, 2], "c": {"d": 3}}  
>>> cfg.config.a  
>>> cfg.config.b[1]  
>>> cfg.config.c.d  

To populate your config data, just pass a dict to initial_populate. If the file is empty, this gives it default values, and returns True. If it isn't, nothing happens. Note: This will fail with an exc.NetworkedFileException on networked files!

>>> pop = cfg.initial_populate({"a": 1, "b": [1, 2], "c": {"d": 3})
>>> if pop: cfg.dump() and cfg.reload() # Dump data and reload from disk.

To save your data, run .dump().

>>> cfg.dump()

Have a networked file that you need to save? Use the method save_to_file.

>>> cfg.save_to_file("example.json")

Need to get the raw dict form of a ConfigKey? Use .dump() on that!

>>> cfg.config.dump()
{"a": 1, "b": [1, 2], "c": {"d": 3}
>>> cfg.config.c.dump()
{"d": 3}