
User JWT Authentication for FastAPI services

connectkit, authentication, jwt, cookie, otp, totp, fastapi
pip install ConnectKit-FastAPIAuthentication==1.4.0


ConnectKit FastAPIAuthentication [en|ru]

ConnectKit FastAPIAuthentication adds accounts, user sessions, and a user authentication mechanism using JWT for FastAPI applications.

Logging in via oauth2 or OpenID connect is not supported at the moment.


pip install ConnectKit-FastAPIAuthentication


Configuration parameters are loaded from environment variables, and can be redefined later.

SECURE_SECRET=str                 # Key for signing JWT
SECURE_ACCESS_EXPIRE=5            # Access token validity period in minutes
SECURE_REFRESH_EXPIRE=24          # Refresh token validity time in hours for a short session
SECURE_REFRESH_LONG_EXPIRE=720    # Refresh token validity time in hours for a long session
SECURE_PATH=/api                  # Prefix of the path to which the cookie with the token will be bound
SECURE_COOKIE_NAME=access         # The name of the cookie in which the token will be
SECURE_ONLY=True                  # Instructing the browser to accept the token only if https
SECURE_BLOCK_TRIES=5              # Number of attempts to enter the wrong password before the account is blocked
SECURE_OTP_ENABLED=True           # Use 2FA via one-time passwords
SECURE_OTP_BLOCK_TRIES=3          # Number of attempts to transfer OTP before logout
SECURE_OTP_ISSUER=Localhost inc.  # The OTP ISSUER transmitted to user when 2FA is enabled
SECURE_STRICT_VERIFICATION=True   # Strict verification for re-entering the password

To redefine:

from authentication.settings import settings

settings.SECURE_COOKIE_NAME = "new_name"

To set up a database connection.

To enable authorization endpoints:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from authentication import router as auth_router

app = FastAPI()
app.include_router(auth_router, prefix="/api/auth")

To get the current account or session:

from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends
from authentication import get_account, get_session
from authentication.models import Account, AccountSession
from authentication.errors import auth_errors, with_errors

router = APIRouter()

@router.get("/test", responses=with_errors(*auth_errors))
async def test(account: Account = Depends(get_account)):

@router.get("/test2", responses=with_errors(*auth_errors))
async def test2(account_session: AccountSession = Depends(get_session)):

The get_session function checks for the presence of a session and the passage of 2FA.

The get_account function checks the same as get_session, as well as the account activation status.

If the login is not completed or outdated, HttpException will be raised from the list of auth_errors exceptions.

To implement the registration form, manually add users and administrative work:

from authentication import (NewAccount, login_rules, password_rules,
                            login_type, password_type,
                            create_new_account, delete_account,
                            block_account, unblock_account, get_block_status,
                            get_status_otp, disable_otp)
from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr

# Creating a new user

    new_acc = NewAccount(
        login="root",  # The user's unique login is set by the login_rules rule
        password="password",  # The user's password is set by the password_rules rule
        properties={  # User properties required in a specific task, Dict[str, Any]
            "name": "name"
        active=True  # Is the account activated, False by default
    account = await create_new_account(new_acc)
except ValueError as e:
    # The user already exists, or there is a validation error in the New Account

# Example of a registration scheme

class UserRegistration(BaseModel):
    login: login_type
    nickname: str
    email: EmailStr
    password: password_type

# Deleting an account
await delete_account(account)

# Getting the blocking status (bool, Optional[str])
block, reason = await get_block_status(account)

# Getting 2FA status
otp_enabled = await get_status_otp(account)

# Account blocking (a blocked account cannot log in)
await block_account(account, "reason")

# Unblocking account
await unblock_account(account)

# Forced disable of 2FA
await disable_otp(account)

Authentication diagram:

Authentication diagram

Token update diagram:

Token update diagram


ConnectKit FastAPIAuthentication is MIT License.