Note: CouchDB-Python is no longer being maintained. After 8 years of maintaining CouchDB-Python, I no longer have time to address open issues and new bug reports. Consider as an alternative. If you're interested in taking over maintenance of CouchDB-Python, please start a discussion on the mailing list, or open an issue or PR.
A Python library for working with CouchDB. Downloads are available via PyPI. Our documentation is also hosted there. We have a mailing list.
This package currently encompasses four primary modules:
: the basic client library -
: management of design documents -
: a higher-level API for mapping between CouchDB documents and Python objects -
: a CouchDB view server that allows writing view functions in Python
It also provides a couple of command-line tools:
: writes a snapshot of a CouchDB database (including documents, attachments, and design documents) to MIME multipart file -
: reads a MIME multipart file as generated by couchdb-dump and loads all the documents, attachments, and design documents into a CouchDB database -
: can be used as an update-notification script to trigger replication between databases when data is changed
- Python 2.7, 3.4 or later
- CouchDB 0.10.x or later (0.9.x should probably work, as well)
will be used if installed.