
A CLI to monitor the crypto market and your portfolio.

crypto, portfolio, cli, cryptocurrency, market
pip install Cryptoprice==0.1


Table of Contents


Cryptoprice was created with the intention of making it easy to keep track of your portfolio and monitor the market all in the command line. This project is a work in progress. I will actively work on it and update it with new features. If you have an idea about a feature you would like implemented, please open a new issue.


To install using pip, run

pip install cryptoprice

To install using setuptools, clone the repo, and once inside the repo run

python install

Note: It is recommended to install the package using pip rather than setuptools.

Running cryptoprice should give you this: alt text



The price command lets you access market information about any cryptocurrency.

Options for this command are listed below.

Option Description
--nocolor Disable colorized output.
--table Show output in a neat table.
--nousd Hide price in USD.
--btc Show price in BTC.
--rank Show coin rank.
--all Show top 100 coins according to market capital.
--volume Show volume traded in 24 hours.
--marketcap Show coin market capital.
--change1h Show change in the past 1 hour.
--change24h Show change in the past 24 hours.
--change7d Show change in the past 7 days

The syntax for this command is cryptoprice price [options] [coins]

The image below shows the price command along with some options and some coins. The first command is run with the --table option, and the second without.

alt text

For more help, run the command cryptoprice price --help


The portfolio command lets you add/remove portfolio transactions and view the status of your portfolio.

Available arguments

Argument Description
add Record a new buy/sell transaction.
remove Delete a transaction. You will have to one or a list of transaction IDs to delete.
history View all transactions.
clear Delete all transactions.
no argument Show full portfolio status.

Options for this command are listed below. These options affect the way portfolio status is displayed.

Option Description
--nocolor Disable colorized output.
--value Show portfolio value in USD.
--profit Show total profit in USD.
--help Show this message and exit.


Example usage of the add function

alt text