Head First Python's Database Context Manager

pip install DBcm==2.1



The Database Context Manager from the 2nd Edition of Head First Python.


You can easily install DBcm into your local Python with this command:

pip install DBcm

Note: there is no conda install option at this time.

How to use

The UseDatabase context manager for working with MySQL/MariaDB.

For more information, see Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 11 of the 2nd edition of Head First Python.

Assumptions: you've installed either MySQL or MariaDB, created a database, granted a user full access to the database, and (optionally) created one of more tables within the database.

Begin by importing what you need from DBcm:

from DBcm import UseDatabase, SQLError

Then create a dictionary which provides your DB credentials data (substituting the relevant values as required):

config = { 'host': '',
           'user': 'useridhere',
           'password': 'passwordhere',
           'database': 'dbnamehere',

Use the config dictionary together with the UseDatabase context manager to interact with your database tables. Note: there's an assumption that you already know/understand some basic SQL here:

with UseDatabase(config) as cursor:
        _SQL = "select * from log"
        data = cursor.fetchall()
    except SQLError as err:
        print('Your query broke:', str(err)

The result of the query is in the data variable.

Enjoy, and have fun. (Sorry: Python 3 only, due to type hints and new Exception syntax).