
DRSlib - a set of utilities by DavidRodriguezSoaresCUI

pip install DRSlib-DavidRodriguezSoaresCUI==0.5.dev4


DRSlib - a set of utilities by DavidRodriguezSoaresCUI

DRSlib is a Python package that provides a wide range of small yet powerful and highly-reusable functions, classes, decorators, etc. Its main purpose is to provide high-level "building blocks" that accomplish simple tasks, facilitating the writing of elaborate scripts with limited code.

License: see LICENSE file.

Author: DavidRodriguezSoaresCUI


You can install DRSlib using the pip package manager:

  • On Unix/macOS: python3 -m pip install DRSlib-DavidRodriguezSoaresCUI
  • On Windows: python -m pip install DRSlib-DavidRodriguezSoaresCUI

You may need to use elevated permissions to install a package, or use a variation of this command on your specific system. There are plenty of tutorials on the Internet if you need help.


You can find documentation in source code docstrings, or, more practically, by building documentation from source:

  • On Windows: Run sphinx-full-rebuild.bat from directory docs
  • On Linux: If your shell is bash compatible, run sphinx-full-rebuild.sh from directory docs. If not, you should be capable of adapting it to your system.

Building documentation requires installing packages sphinx and furo you can install in one of these ways:

  • pip install -r requirements-documentation.txt
  • pip install sphinx furo


This package adheres to PEP 440, specifically follows version scheme example "major.minor" versioning with developmental releases, release candidates and post-releases for minor corrections.

Note: major.minor.dev* releases are not intended for users, these are quick iterations for development. When author decides there was enough changes and DRSlib is ready for a new user release, a corresponding major.minor release will be made available.


I followed this python.org tutorial. See the package page on Pypi

Warning to users

DRSlib is a quickly evolving package, and author doesn't take any responsibility to maintain it or to keep its API stable, but will make a good faith effort to do so. Also, some of its code writes to the disk, so its use may lead to data loss.

Use it at your own risk.