
The Deep Learning framework keeping your head above water

deep-learning, deeplearning, deeplodocus, framework, machine-learning, pytorch
pip install Deeplodocus==0.3.0



##Introduction: Initially created by both A. Leroy and S. Westlake, PhD candidates at Cranfield University, Deeplodocus is a high-level framework with the objective to help to create, train, analyze and test deep networks. Initially based on Keras, the framework is rewritten from scratch in a modular, flexible and config file based fashion. The current supported backed is PyTorch but you are more than welcome to contribute to integrate another library.

Deeplodocus embeds functionalities such as :

  • Smart and automatic data loading
  • Data augmentation / transformation
  • Metrics and losses display during training, validation and test stages
  • Save of the results (model, weights and metrics)
  • Custom loss and metrics
  • Explicit logs system
  • Training configuration from config files
  • And more !

All the Deeplodocus parameters are available in the config files.

Deeplodocus is designed to be crossplatform (Windows, Linux and Mac OS). It uses Python 3.5+.



pip install deeplodocus

Required packages

  • PyTorch (v0.4.0+)
  • cv2 (3.1.4+)

##Roadmap :

  • User friendly notifications [✓]
  • User interface on browser
  • Logs [✓]
  • Automatic trainer [✓]
  • Automatic tester/validator [✓]
  • Callbacks [✓]
  • History [✓]
  • Saving the model [✓]
  • Smart saving [✓]
  • Dataset Loader [✓]
  • Data checker
  • Data Augmentation
  • Transformations [✓]
  • Filters
  • Augmentation modes

Check version

There are two solutions to check Deeplodocus version:

  1. Look at the version displayed into Deeplodocus logo when starting the Brain of your project

  2. Run the following command in the terminal : deeplodocus version

Create a Deeplodocus project

Open a terminal / command line and enter :

deeplodocus startproject "project-name"

replacing "project-name" by the name of your project

This command will generate the following structure in the current folder :

  • (Main file)
  • Config folder
  • Logs folder
  • Results folder
  • Model folder
  • Losses folder
  • Metrics folder
  • Possible other folders to be defined

Structure :

The current structure of Deepldocus is as described by this schema :



Deeplodocus is composed of 3 entries:

  • Deeplodocus Admin : A terminal / command line entry to create a Deeplodocus project
  • Deeplodocus Brain : A main script file entry to train / test a deep network
  • Deeplodocus UI : A browser access to an interface to configure and use Deeplodocus

Deeplodocus Admin

The command line entry permits to access functions in the Deeplodocus admin system such as creating a Deeplodocus project

To access the admin commands just enter deeplodocus in the terminal followed by the required command.

Deeplodocus Brain

Deeplodocus Brain is available through the Brain class. A brain instance gives access to all the functionalities of Deeplodocus such as training or testing the network. It is also possible to access the brain using the main file generated by Deeplodocus Admin.

Deeplodocus UI :

Using the terminal and modifying the config files may lead to errors that will cost time in the development of a network. The Deeplodocus team develops a web interface permitting to :

  • Define and generate dynamically config files
  • Visualise the metrics in real time
  • Visualise the generate network (graph)
  • Previsualize data augmentation/transforms on the dataset
  • ...

Notifications :

Deeplodocus comes with a notification system. The current system is composed of 5 different notification categories :

  • Info (blue) : Display a generic information to the user (default)
  • Success (green) : Display a successful action result
  • Warning (yellow) : Display a warning
  • Error (red) : Display a no-blocking error to the user
  • Fatal error (white with red background) : Display a blocking error to the user. Stops the brain

All notifications are saved into a log file in logs/notification-datetime.logs


The data in Deeplodocus is splitted into 3 different entries:

  • Inputs (input given to your Machine Learning algorithm)
  • Labels (Expected Output, optional)
  • Additional Data (Additional data given to the loss function if required, optional)

In order to load the data you have to feed Deeplodocus using the data_config.yaml file:


# _____________________________
# _____________________________

  batch_size: 4                                                                     # Number of instances loaded in on batch
  num_workers: 4                                                                    # Number of processes or threads used for loading the data in memory

  train:                                                                              # Training entries
      inputs :
        - ["input1-1.txt", "input1-2.txt"]
        - "input2.txt"
      labels :
        - "labels1.txt"
        - "labels2.txt"
        - "additional.txt"
  validation:                                                                        # Validation entries
        - ["input1-1.txt", "input1-2.txt"]
        - "input2.txt"
        - "labels1.txt"
        - "labels2.txt"
        - "additional.txt"
  test:                                                                               # Test entries
        - ["input1-1.txt", "input1-2.txt"]
        - "input2.txt"
        - "labels1.txt"
        - "labels2.txt"
        - "additional.txt"

Deeplodocus accepts to load data referenced in text files (images path, video path, numbers, text, numpy array path, etc...) and also files inside folder. Therefore you can directly give a file path or a folder path.

# Example

      - "input1.txt"            # Works

      - "./path_to_folder/"     # Work as well

If you have multiple entries, please add the item below:

# Example

      - "input1.txt"            # Input 1
      - "input2.txt"            # Input 2

If one entry is splitted in to different location, you can merge these to sources in one using brackets:

# Example

      - ["input1-1.txt", "input1-2.txt"]            # Input 1 = input1-1 + input1-2
      - "input2.txt"                                # Input 2

Data are loaded by Deeplodocus through two interfaces :

  • Dataset
  • Dataloader


The Dataset has two main objectives :

  • Automatically read, check the completeness and format the data given in the config files in folders and files
  • Open, augment/transform the data before being transmitted to the network


The Dataloader can call the Dataset in parralel of the training using the CPU. The data are assembled into batches and then sent to the Trainer or the Tester

NOTE : Currently the Dataloader is provided by the PyTorch's Dataloader.

Data Transformation

Data transformation is made using four different Transformer classes managed by a TransformManager. The following Transformer classes are available:

  • Sequential
  • One Of
  • Some Of
  • Pointer


Here is an example of config file to generate the TransformManager for the training, validation and test. Make sure the three are given in one file.

# transform_config.yaml

# ___________________________________
# ___________________________________
train:                                                                              # Training entries
    name: "Train Transform Manager"
    inputs :
      - ".config/transforms/transform_input_train_left.yaml"
      - "*input:0"                                                                  # Example of pointer which points to first transformer of input
    labels :
      - Null                                                                        
      - Null
      - Null

validation:                                                                        # Validation entries
    name: "Validation Transform Manager"
    inputs :
      - ".config/transforms/transform_input_validation_left.yaml"
      - "*input:0"                                                                  # Example of pointer which points to first transformer of input
    labels :
      - Null
      - Null
      - Null

test:                                                                               # Test entries
    name: "Validation Transform Manager"
      - Null
      - Null
    labels :
      - Null
      - Null
      - Null

Each entry has to be given a Transformer. If none is desired, please enter Null.


The Sequential transformer applies transformation operations sequentially on the given input.

Here is an example of config file for a Sequential transformer:

# sequential_example.yaml

# ______________________________________
# ______________________________________

method: "sequential"
name: "Sequential example"
normalize_output: True

  - blur :
      kernel_size : 3
  - random_blur:
      kernel_size_min: 15
      kernel_size_max : 21

For more details on each transform please check the corresponding documentation

One Of

The Oneof transformer applies on the given input one transformation operation among the ones available in the given list.

Here is an example of config file for a OneOf transformer:

# oneof_example.yaml

# _________________________________
# _________________________________

method: "oneof"
name: "OneOf example"
normalize_output: yes

  - blur :
      kernel_size : 3
  - random_blur:
      kernel_size_min: 15
      kernel_size_max : 21

For more details on each transform please check the corresponding documentation

Some Of

The Someof transformer applies multiple transformation operations to the given input. The number of operations applied can be fixed if the user specifies num_transformations. The number of transformation can also be a random number between num_transformations_min and num_transformations_max.

Here is an example of config file for a SomeOf transformer:

# someof_example.yaml

# __________________________________

method: "someof"
name: "SomeOf example"
num_transformations : 3             #If used, comment "num_transformations_min" and  "num_transformations_max"
#num_transformations_min : 1        #If used, comment "num_transformations"
#num_transformations_max : 5        #If used, comment "num_transformations"
normalize_output: yes

  - blur :
      kernel_size : 3
  - random_blur:
      kernel_size_min: 15
      kernel_size_max : 21

For more details on each transform please check the corresponding documentation


The Pointer consists in redirecting the transformation process to another pointer. Using a pointer has two major advantages :

  • It avoids creating another transformer config file
  • It allows multiple entries system to have exactly the same transformation operations applied to all its entries. [1]

[1] - e.g. : Working on a stereo vision system. The input of the network consists in two images (left and right). If we create to transformers (one for the left image and one for the right image) then the left and right image will not have the same transformations applied (if random operations are used). Using a pointer for the right image to the left transformer will allow to have exactly the same transformations applied to both the right and left image (even if random operations and done (e.g. random blur)

To define a Pointer, instead of the path to the transformer config file, enter

# * Is necessary so that Deeplodocus understands it is a pointer
# category: "input", "label", "additional_data"
# index: The index of the transformer in the selected category (indexed at 0)

#e.g. : "*input:0" points to the first transformer of the input

Note : A Pointer cannot point to another Pointer


Offline data augmentation is not available

Custom transforms

Currently not available