
Advanced Database in discord

pip install Discord-AdvDB==0.1.0



Advanced Database in discord


In order to use it first thing you have to do is install the package like this in your terminal: `sh pip install Discord-AdvDB `


  • getOrSetDB: gets the Database ( Category ) or setting a new one according to what you've set in the configuration method ( see example below )
    • Once you input overwrites into the function it'll update the current existing category's overwrites ( If overwrites is None it won't touch the database )
  • SetTable: Sets a new table according to the information, the required information is a the table name and key-value type of columns ( ```python3 reading=["KEY", "STR"] )
    • if table exists it'll raise an error stating Table Found
    • Only these options are acceptable at the moment: KEY, INT, STR, FLOAT
    • This is case-insensitive, not matter what you put it'll lower-case it so don't worry :)
    • If there will be no key column it'll raise an error stating there is no key column
    • Only one KEY column is allowed
  • getTableId: gets the table id incase you need it ( You won't need for the database cause it's already in the code, this category is the object )
  • setEntry: setting a new entry/ies, you can select if you want existing keys to update and the column values
    • The column values is the list of the values from the table ( MUST BE IN COLUMN ORDER )O
  • getEntry: returns a hash map of the key and it's value ( It returns in hashmap to read it easier in code )


NOTE: the example is from a cog file ```python import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.utils import get import discord_advdb.discord_advdb as DB

global DiscordAdvDB

class events(commands.Cog):

def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client

@commands.Cog.listener() async def on_ready(self):

global DiscordAdvDB print("Bot is ready!") for guild in self.client.guilds:

DiscordAdvDB = DB.discord_advdb(self.client, guild, "database")

@commands.command() async def test(self, ctx):

guild = ctx.message.guild db = await DiscordAdvDB.getOrSetDB({

guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), guild.me: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True)

}) tableId = await DiscordAdvDB.setTable("test1",

reading=["KEY", "STR"],allowing=["INT"])

tbId = DiscordAdvDB.getTableId("test1") await DiscordAdvDB.setEntry(tbId, True, [8, 6], ["Hey", 9000]) print(await DiscordAdvDB.getEntry(tbId, ["8"]))```


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.