
Download images from DuckDuckGo

pip install DuckDuckGoImages==0.0.7




To install run the following:

pip install DuckDuckGoImages


import using the following:

import DuckDuckGoImages as ddg

and then you can search and download images from DuckDuckGo using:'kittens')

The above command will search for the query phrase kittens, and then will try to download the list of image urls into the current folder.

Each downloaded image will have a randomic UUIDv4 name.


When downloading images you can pass download the next list of parameters to achieve different results:

  • folder: The path where the downloaded images are saved. Default is current directory.
  • max_urls: If set to a number, then only that amount of images will be downloaded. Note that the available images to download could be less than max_urls. Default None, so all search results will try to be downloaded.
  • thumbnails: If set to True, the image thumbnails will be downloaded instead of the actual image. This should avoid broken links, but it will also download a smaller image in most cases. Default None.
  • parallel: If set to true, then N jobs will be created to download the list of images faster, the number of jobs is the number of cpu procesors on the machine. Default False.
  • shuffle: If set to true, the list of images will be shuffled randomly before download. Default False.
  • remove_folder: If set to true, then the folder where the images will be downloaded is deleted before the download. Default False.
  • safe_search: If set to true it will make a search with "safe search" enabled (Moderated value is the default on duckduckgo), a value of false will disable safe search entirely, use with caution. Default True.
  • licence: If set to a value the result search will only retrieve images that have the specified licence. Usable values are defined as constants inside the package, so for use you should do something like'kittens', licence=ddg.ALL), valid licence types are:
    • ALL: retrieve all images, this is the default behaviour.
    • CREATIVE_COMMONS: This will only retrieve images that have the Creative Commons licence.
    • PUBLIC_DOMAIN: This will only retrieve images that are on the public domain.
    • SHARE_AND_USE: This will only retrieve images that can be shared and used.
    • SHARE_AND_USE_COMMECIALLY: This will only retrieve images that can be shared and used commercially.
    • MODIFY_SHARE_AND_USE: This will only retrieve images that can be modified, shared and used.
    • MODIFY_SHARE_AND_USE_COMMERCIALLY: This will only retrieve images that can be modified, shared and used commercially.