A short description for your project.

pip install FGAme==0.3.1


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FGAme is a physics-based game engine for Python 3. Its aims to avoid boilerplate and to be so easy that even a child can play with it (and learn how to program with it!). Check this pong implementation:

from FGAme import *

# A 10px margin to keep things on the screen

# Create a ball in the middle of the screen. We also add some random speed
ball = world.add.circle(20, pos=pos.middle, color='red')
ball.vel = vel.random()

# Create both players as AABBs (axis aligned bounding boxes). Infinite
# masses prevent them from moving when hit by the ball
p1 = world.add.aabb(shape=(20, 120), pos=(30, 300), mass='inf')
p2 = world.add.aabb(shape=(20, 120), pos=(30, 300), mass='inf')

# Connect long press events with the correct functions
on('long-press', 'w').do(p1.move, 0, 5)
on('long-press', 's').do(p1.move, 0, -5)
on('long-press', 'up').do(p2.move, 0, 5)
on('long-press', 'down').do(p2.move, 0, -5)

# Start main loop

FGAme currently requires Pygame to run. We have plans to make it backend agnostic and in the future it will support SDL2, Kivy, Qt and maybe others.