A simple library for help in the data analysis of FRANEC simulation.

pip install FRANECpy==1.0.0




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Shell scripts


pip install -e git+

The -e flags is to install in editable mode.

Update to the most recent version:

py -m pip install --upgrade  git+

The py -m is to run python controll in windows, if you use another system, use only pip command.

Build documentation locally:

py -m -b html source build


A simple library for help in the data analysis of FRANEC simulations.

Most useful functions:

usere_interface module

  • tree_call():

    When you call this function it creates an interactive window where you choose to import or create data trees. The function returns a data tree.

  • jupyter_simple_browse(tree(dict)):

    When you call the function it opens a window to browse the tree. It works also in jupyter environment.

build_tree module

  • load_trees(list(files paths)):

    When you call this function it loads the trees that you have already saved from their files phats. It returns a data tree whit all the trees that you have chosen.

functions module

  • clear_tree(tree(dict), target_name(str)):

    When you call this function it clears a tree dictionary by extracting a specific target_name and its associated data.

  • HR_plot(tree(dict), type(str)):

    Plots the Hertzsprung Russell diagrams based on the specified parameters.