
Flask Extension for KQWebMap API for Leaflet (aka KQClient for Leaflet API)

KQGIS, cangqiong, 苍穹, GIS, KQ, leaflet, webgis, kqmaps, flask_kqmaps, flask-kqmaps, flask
pip install Flask-KQMaps==0.5.9


Flask-KQMaps is a Flask Extension for KQWebMap API for Leaflet (aka KQClient for Leaflet API) Current embedded version of KQWebMap is v8.4 (release on 02/JUL/2021) for more information on KQWebMap API for Leaflet, please refer to: http://oa.kqgeo.com:20258/kqgis_2d/

Installation using pip: pip install flask_kqmaps

Usage example:

Import the module:

from flask_kqmaps import KQMaps

Initialize flask app with the extension:


In page templates:

  • Put this at the end of the page "header" (or head block)

    {{ kqmap_init|safe }}

  • Put this somewhere at the end of the "body" part (with other scripts):

    {{ kq_scripts|safe }}

  • Put either

    {{ kq_easymaps|safe }}


    {{ kq_maps.SAMPLE_MAP|safe }}

    to where you want the map to be shown on the page. kq_easymaps would show any registered maps and kq_maps.SAMPLE_MAP would show only the specific map named "SAMPLE_MAP".

**** Remember the safe marker as flask dropped Markup since version 3.x and the safe markup has to be done in jinjia2.****

Generate and register a map with flask_kqmaps and render with flask:

from flask_kqmaps import *

#Instantiate a map object
pmap = GenKQMap("SAMPLE_MAP", attributionControl=True, center=[32.05382, 118.77730], zoom=17, zoomControl=True)

#Add some base map layers
pmap.add_layer(KQLayer(name="Basemap", ltype="tiandituTileLayer", id="vec", isbasemap=True,
                       options={"layerType": "vec", "attribution": None}))
pmap.add_layer(KQLayer(name="Label", ltype="tiandituTileLayer", id="cva", isbasemap=False,
                       options={"layerType": "cva", "attribution": None}))

#Initialize a layergroup
layergroups = KQLayerGroup("SampleArea", id="lgs")

#Add Polygon(s) to the layergroup
layergroups.add_polygon([[32.0560441,118.7789681], [32.0559059, 118.7774060], [32.0548220, 118.7776785],
    [32.0520459,118.7758771],[32.0523059,118.7789692]], color="light blue", id="polygon1")

#define some icon and add it to the map for use
picon_in = KQIcon(id="iconin", iconUrl='http://SOME_URL', iconSize=[29, 26])

#put some markers into a marker layer(group)
layergroup1 = KQLayerGroup("MarkerLayer", id="lgm")
layergroup1.add_marker([32.0525987,118.7775229], icon="iconin", id="1",popup='Hello there, I'm a marker.')

#Add the layergroups to the map

#register map with kqmaps

#render with template
return_page = make_response(render_template("page_template.html"))

License: This software is licensed under GNU GPLv3. Please make your modifications under the same license and publish them openly.