
Configure LDP logging handlers and middleware for your Flask app.

flask, python
pip install Flask-LDP==0.1.1



Work in progres ...

PyPI version

Fork of https://github.com/gridscale/flask-graylog2 to support OVH Logs Data Platform.

Which is himself a fork of github.com/underdogio/flask-graylog with additional patches and features.

This is a Flask extension that allows you to configure a OVH Logs Data Platform (LDP) logging handler as well as some middleware to log every request/response pair to Graylog.

See also:


You can install it with pip:

$ pip install Flask-LDP


You only need to import and initialize your app

# Import dependencies
from flask import Flask
from flask_ldp import LDP

# Configure app and LDP logger
app = Flask(__name__)
ldp = LDP(app)

# Log to ldp
ldp.info("Message", extra={"data": "metadata",})

# Use LDP log handler in another logger
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

⚙️ Configuration options

The following options can be use to configure the ldp logger.

from flask import Flask
from flask_ldp import LDP

app = Flask(__name__)

# Use configuration from `app`
app.config["LDP_HOSTNAME"] = "gra3.logs.ovh.com"
app.config["LDP_TOKEN"] = "xxxxxx"
ldp = LDP(app)

# Provide configuration
config = {"LDP_HOSTNAME": "gra3.logs.ovh.com", "LDP_TOKEN": "xxxxx"}
ldp = LDP(app, config=config)
  • LDP_HOSTNAME - the host to send messages to [default: 'gra3.logs.ovh.com']
  • LDP_TOKEN - the token [default: None]

🪵 Additionnal data to log

You can send a few extra data, as provided with by the default schema.

class DefaultLoggingkSchema(LDPSchema):
    user = fields.Raw()
    data = fields.Raw()
    flask = fields.Raw()
    request = fields.Raw()
    response = fields.Raw()


something_json_dumpable = dict(toto='titi')
extra_data = dict(
ldp.info("Message", extra=extra_data)

You can also dump flask information and request data

ldp.info("Message", add_flask=True, add_request=True)

# Under the hood
if 'add_flask' in kwargs:
    extra['flask'] = {"endpoint": str(request.endpoint).lower(), "view_args": request.view_args}
    del kwargs['add_flask']

if 'add_request' in kwargs:
    extra['request'] = {
        "content_length": request.environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH"),
        "content_type": request.environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE"),
        "method": request.environ.get("REQUEST_METHOD"),
        "path_info": request.environ.get("PATH_INFO"),
        "query_string": request.environ.get("QUERY_STRING"),
        "remote_addr": request.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR"),
        "headers": dict(
            (key[5:].replace("-", "_").lower(), value)
            for key, value in request.environ.items()
            if key.startswith("HTTP_") and key.lower() not in ("http_cookie",)
    del kwargs['add_request']

💡 Ideas for improvements

  • Make the schema configurable with config
  • Add middleware so as to log response as well (like the graylog extension)
  • Add decorator so as to enable log for a specific endpoint (with user request and response automatically added)