
Extension providing basic support of SQLAlchemy in Flask applications

pip install Flask-SimpleSQLA==1.0



This module is meant to be a simple replacement for Flask-SQLAlchemy. It provides only the most basic functionality and doesn't enforce much upon you.


The basic setup may look like this:

from flask import Flask
from flask_simplesqla import SimpleSQLA

app = Flask('__name__')

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_ENGINE_URL'] = 'sqlite:///db.sqlite'
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_ENGINE_ECHO'] = True

db = SimpleSQLA(app)

Then you can define your SQLAlchemy tables and classes using db.metadata, db.engine and (optionally) db.Base.

In your routes you can use db.session which is just SQLAlchemy's scoped_session. A database session will be started only if you use it in your routes, and it will be closed when the request ends.

Committing, however, is your responsibility. If you don't use db.commit() appropriately, the changes will be lost (unless SQLALCHEMY_COMMIT_ON_TEARDOWN is set to True, which is not recommended).

Your routes may look like this:

def user_page(id, name=None):
    user = db.query(User).get(id) or abort(404)
    if name != user.name:
        return redirect(user.url())
    return render_template('user.html', user=user)

Note that db.query is the same as db.session.query because all the missing attributes are redirected to the session.