
Sphinx themes for Flask and related projects.

documentation, flask, sphinx, sphinx-theme
pip install Flask-Sphinx-Themes==1.0.2


Flask Sphinx Themes

This repository contains Sphinx themes for Flask and Flask related projects. To use this theme in your Sphinx documentation:

  1. Install the package using pip: pip install Flask-Sphinx-Themes

  2. Add this to conf.py:

    html_theme = 'flask'


The following themes exist for html_theme.

flask The standard Flask documentation theme for large projects
flask_small Small single page theme. Intended to be used by very small addon libraries for Flask.


The following options can be set with html_theme_options.

index_logo Filename of a picture in _static to be used as replacement for the h1 in the index.rst file. Default unset.
index_logo_height Height of the index logo. Default 120px.
touch_icon Filename of a picture in _static to be use as the app icon on Apple devices. Default unset.
github_fork Repository name on GitHub for the "Fork Me" badge. Default unset.
github_ribbon_color Color for the "Fork Me" badge. Default darkblue_121621.

Sidebar Templates

The following sidebar templates can be included in html_sidebars.

relations.html Show parent, previous, and next links.

Pygments Style

The theme automatically sets pygments_style to the provided style. Make sure you remove any override from conf.py or set it to flasky.