
Performaning feature selection in forward stepwise selection maner.

forward, stepwise, features, feature, select, selection, machine, learning, data, science, computer, recursive, elimination, dimentionality, reduction, data-science, feature-selection, machine-learning, python
pip install ForwardStepwiseFeatureSelection==1.3.9



Open Source Love PyPI version MIT Licence

ForwardStepwiseFeatureSelection aims to select the best features or the subset of features in machine learning tasks according to corresponding score with other incredible packages like numpy, pandas and sklearn.

This package is inspired by: PyData DC 2016 | A Practical Guide to Dimensionality Reduction Vishal Patel October 8, 2016

It requires at least six arguments to run:

Optional arguments:

  • max_trial (int): number of trials that you wanted FSFS to stop searching
  • tolerance (int): how many times FSFS can fail to find better subset of features
  • least_gain (int): threshold of scoring metrics gain in fraction
  • max_feats (int): maximum number of features
  • prior (list): starting point for FSFS to search, must be corresponds to the columns of X
  • exclusions (nested list): if the new selected feature is in one of the particular subpool (list in the nested list), then the features in that particular subpool with no longer be avalible to form any new subset in the following trials
  • n_jobs (int): Number of jobs to run in parallel.
  • n_digit (int): Decimal places for scoring
  • verbose (int): Level of verbosity of FSFS

If you have any ideas for this packge please don't hesitate to bring forward!