
A wierd JSON-based database.

pip install FrickDB==0.0.2



This package creates a wierd json-based database by organising it into folders and subfolders. Its usage is almost similar to PyMongo. The class and methods are listed below. Check tests for examples.


  • For Linux and Mac, use python3 -m pip install -U FrickDB to install the package.
  • On windows, use py -3 -m pip install -U FrickDB to install the package.

class Client:

Represents a client connection that connects to the database.

>>> import FrickDB
>>> client = FrickDB.Client()
  • method insert_col(name)

Inserts a collection into the database. Requires one parameter, name of the collection to be created.

For example,

>>> col = client.insert_col("collection_name")
  • method get_col(col)

Fetches the collection from the database. Requires one parameter, name of the collection to be fetched.

For example,

>>> col = client.get_col("collection_name")

class Col:

Represents a client connection that connects to the database.

  • method insert_one(doc)

Inserts a document into the collection. Requires doc parameter as the document to be inserted.

>>> col.insert_one({"_id":1234, "somekey":"somevalue"})
  • method insert_many(docs)

Inserts multiple documents into the collection.

For example,

>>> col.insert_many([
	{"_id":1, "somekey1":"somevalue1"}, 
	{"_id":2, "somekey2":"somevalue2"}, 
	{"_id":3, "somekey3":"somevalue3"}, 
	{"_id":4, "somekey4":"somevalue4"}, 
	{"_id":5, "somekey5":"somevalue5"}
  • methodupdate_one(query, docs)

Updates a document. Requires 2 parameters, query and docs

Incase of multiple documents satisfying the query, only the first document is updated.

For example,

>>> col.update_one({"_id":1}, {"somevalue1":"newvalue"})
  • methodupdate_all(docs)

Updates every document in a collection. Requires 1 parameters docs

For example

>>> col.update_all({"newkey":"somenewvalue"})
  • methodupdate_many(query, docs)

Updates multiple document. Requires 2 parameters, query and docs

Incase of multiple documents satisfying the query, all the documents are updated.

For example,

>>> col.update_many({"newkey":"somenewvalue"}, {"newkey":"anothernewvalue"})


	method find_all()
	method find_many(query)
	method find_one(query)
	method delete_one(query)
	method delete_many(query)
	method delete_all()
	method drop()
class Sort:
	method by_asc(key)
	method by_desc(key)