A bunch of tools for making games in Pygame and other libraries.

pip install GameTools==0.2.0


Version Status issues


GameTools is a collection of packages that helps you create your game.


Feature Description State
Templates Templates make game creation easier by allowing you to write less code.
DeltaTime Calculator Calculates the deltaTime from the previous call of the function
Messaging System Have the ability to send messages and have functions listen to those Messages via a decorator -> @recv_Message("Message Name")
Entity System The ability to create entitys 📝
UI System A proper game Ui System is essentially for any menu in a game.

📝 -> started -> finished or satisfactory 🔴 -> broken -> not started

Getting Started


in your terminal run python -m pip install GameTools.Alternatively, you can download the source directly and throw it into your project.


If you look into src/Testing.py you can see me playing around with everything. There are also examples in the docs


Documentation can be found under the wiki tab in github.

Other Information

licensing information:

We operate with an MIT liscense which can be found in LICENSE.txt