
A fast general purpose Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport.

pip install Generic-model-class==0.0.3



This is a thesis project. The files in this repository are outdated. I will be uploading a proper version as soon as possible.

What to expect



Although it is a python module this package is written in a happy mix of Python, Cython, C and C++. A notable example of a package that also does this is Numpy. Most of the initialization and pretty much all the programming user interface is in Python, so while setting up your simulation or handling the results of it, you'll be dealing with Python. However, from the moment you tell MontyCarlo to start simulating, it leaves the world of Python and starts running optimized C code. Each language is therefore placed strategically so that it can play to its strenghts.


Using the power of vtk through the wonderful work of mayavi remarkable visualizations are easy in Monty Carlo.

50keV electrons in water (secondary particles off):

Electrons in Water

10MeV electrons in water (primary in red, secondary photon in green)

