
Generic OBject Persistence---an ORM-like interface to NoSQL (or SQL)

database, NoSQL, ORM, O/RM, gobpersist, gob
pip install Gobpersist==0.1dev


Gobpersist (Generic OBject PERSISTence) is an object persistence layer
for NoSQL, but it is also much more than that.

Gobpersist is modeled on the Django persistence layer, and in use
you'll find that it mostly behaves like a conventional
object/relational mapper (ORM).  However, unlike a conventional ORM,
Gobpersist does not insist that its data storage engine implements
SQL, or that it follows a relational model at all.  Despite this,
Gobpersist intends to provide:

* A complete SQL-like interface to querying its data.
* ORM-style object peristence.
* Atomic commits, depending on the atomicity of the back end.
* Transparent support for caching.
* Optional support for a separate storage engine to support very large
* Quick and easy development of interfaces to any back end.

All documentation is in the "docs" directory and online at

To contribute to Gobpersist, or to get more help:

* Join the gobpersist mailing list, or read the archives, at

Gobpersist was developed by `Accellion <http://www.accellion.com>`_ and
is released under the LGPLv2.1 license.