
GrandTourer is a CLI tool for easily launching GUI applications on MacOS with a two letter command: gt

cli, click, launcher, python
pip install GrandTourer==0.1.7



GrandTourer is a CLI tool for easily launching GUI applications on MacOS with a two letter command: gt. It's a drop-in replacement for open -a, but without the need for precise capitalisation, spacing, and first words like "Microsoft" or "Adobe" if you have multiple applications from them.


Use the package manager pip to install GrandTourer. GrandTourer requires Python >=3.8.

$ pipx install grandtourer


Type gt followed by the first few letters of your application name.

There's no need for spaces and capital letters - GrandTourer will find the relevant application. If there is more than one possible match, you might need to include a few more letters.

$ gt calc
# Launches 'Calculator'

$ gt calculossus
No apps found

$ gt cal
Did you mean one of the following?
1. Calculator
2. Calendar
Enter the number you want. Enter any other number to exit:

Also, if you have, for example, the Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Cloud suites installed, you don't need to include the first word. So:

$ gt adobeil
# Launches 'Adobe Illustrator'

$ gt il
# Also launches 'Adobe Illustrator'


Made by Will and released under the MIT License