A modern, efficient and better way of interacting with the Hypixel API!

hacktoberfest, hypixel, hypixel-api, hypixel-stats, minecraft, pypi, python, python3
pip install HypixelIO==0.0.5


                      __  __            _           __   ________
                     / / / /_  ______  (_)  _____  / /  /  _/ __ \
                    / /_/ / / / / __ \/ / |/_/ _ \/ /   / // / / /
                   / __  / /_/ / /_/ / />  </  __/ /  _/ // /_/ /
                  /_/ /_/\__, / .___/_/_/|_|\___/_/  /___/\____/  


A Modern, Efficient and Easy way of interacting with the Hypixel API!

Made with Python

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Why choose HypixelIO?

  • Modern way of handling requests
  • Modern OOP based structure
  • Both Async and general support.
  • Simple rate handling, and caching.
  • Elegant design with Complete optimization.
  • Easy to use with a modern and simple design
  • Full API coverage

🚀 Installing

Python 3.7 or above is required!

Note: This library has caching modules downloaded when installed. If you need more adapters support, You should refer to the extra requires below.

# Windows
py -3 -m pip install -U HypixelIO

# Linux or MacOS
python3 -m pip install -U HypixelIO

# Install the nightly build
python3 -m pip install -U git+https://github.com/janaSunrise/HypixelIO

To get extra features, Here are the commands for them.

# Or use [speedups] to speed up only for async features
python3 -m pip install -U "HypixelIO[speedups]"

# Take advantage of caching by installing caching backends
python3 -m pip install -U "HypixelIO[cache]"

# If you need async caching for AsyncClient by installing caching backends
python3 -m pip install -U "HypixelIO[async-cache]"

# Or get all the features!
python3 -m pip install -U "HypixelIO[all]"


from hypixelio import Client, Converters

client = Client(api_key="your-api-key")

boosters = client.get_boosters()  # Get the boosters object

friends = client.get_friends(uuid="user's-uuid")  # Returns the Friends object
# OR if you don't know the UUID
friends = client.get_friends(name="user's-username")


Async usage

from hypixelio.ext.asyncio import AsyncClient, AsyncConverters

client = AsyncClient(api_key="your-api-key")

boosters = await client.get_boosters()  # Get the boosters object

friends = await client.get_friends(uuid="user's-uuid")  # Returns the Friends object
# OR if you don't know the UUID
friends = await client.get_friends(name="user's-username")


Find more examples here

📢 Changelog

If you're interested in seeing the Changelog, Go here!

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome. After cloning & setting up project locally, you can just submit a PR to this repo and it will be deployed once it's accepted.

⚠️ It’s good to have descriptive commit messages, or PR titles so that other contributors can understand about your commit or the PR Created. Read conventional commits before making the commit message. You can find our contributing guidelines here

And, We have a branch called dev containing development code. So if you're contributing, Please contribute to that branch instead of the main branch.

💬 Get in touch

If you have various suggestions, questions or want to discuss things wit our community, Have a look at Github discussions or join our discord server!


🙌 Show your support

Be sure to leave a ⭐️ if you like the project!


Made by janaSunrise with