
A Python library for uploading images to ImgBB via their API.

pip install IbbUploader==0.0.1


IbbUploader 0.0.1

IbbUploader is a Python library for uploading images to ImgBB via their API. This library simplifies the process of uploading images from local file paths, file-like objects, or directly via URLs.


  • Upload images from local file paths.
  • Upload images from in-memory file-like objects.
  • Upload images directly via image URLs.
  • Configure image storage duration through an optional expiration setting.
  • Specify a custom name for the uploaded image.


To install IbbUploader, simply run the following command:

pip install ibbuploader


Uploading an Image from a File Path

from ibbuploader import IbbUploader uploader = IbbUploader(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY') response = uploader.upload('path/to/your/image.jpg') print(response)

Uploading an Image via URL

response = uploader.upload('http://example.com/image.jpg') print(response)

Uploading an Image from a File-like Object

from io import BytesIO image_file = BytesIO(image_data) response = uploader.upload(image_file) print(response)

Additional params

response = uploader.upload(image_file, name=image_name, expiration_days=10)


To use IbbUploader, you will need to provide:

API Key: Your personal API key from ImgBB. Expiration: Optionally, set an expiration time in days for the uploaded image, up to a maximum of 180 days. Name: Optionally, The name of the image to be uploaded.

Running Tests

Execute the following command to run tests:



-Thanks to ImgBB for providing the API used in this library.

-This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, by dlrodev92.