
You don't want to write JavaScript? Me, too. But, Let me handle it with Python.

pip install JSRope==0.1.3


You don't want to write JavaScript? Me, too. But, Let me handle it with Python.

Powered by Yamato Nagata


import flask

from jsrope import Element, Flow, Switch, Int, For, Return, Function, If, true, false, Ajax, Util
from jsrope.util import substitute, negative, jquery3_script

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def main():
    input_box = Element.by_id("name_input")
    p = Element.by_tag("p")
    number = Int("num")
    i = Int("i")
    is_prime = Function("is_prime", {"num": None},
                        Flow(For(substitute(i, 2), (i < (number ** 0.5)).to_int() + 1, i.iadd(1),
                                 Flow(If(negative(number % i), Flow(Return(false))))
                                 ), Return(true)
    input_box_event = input_box.on("keyup",
                                   Flow(Ajax("/", {"method": "GET", "data": {"data": input_box.get_value()}},
                                        Switch({is_prime(input_box.get_value().to_int()): p.change_inner_html("prime"),
                                                "else": p.change_inner_html("not prime")})

    return flask.render_template_string("""
       <input id="name_input" type="text" style="width: 300px; height: 300px">
       {{ jquery3_url | safe}}
       <script> {{ sc | safe }} </script>""", jquery3_url=jquery3_script, sc=Flow(input_box_event, is_prime.prettify()))


Then this will return

<html><head></head><body><input id="name_input" type="text" style="width: 300px; height: 300px">
       <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
       <script> $('#name_input').on('keyup', function(e) {
        url: "/",
        method: "GET",
        data: {
            'data': $('#name_input').val()
    if (is_prime(parseInt($('#name_input').val()))) {
    } else {
        $('p').html('not prime')
});function is_prime(num) {
    for (let i = 2;
        (parseInt((i < num ** 0.5))) + 1; i += 1) {
        if (!(num % i)) {
            return false
    return true
} </script></body></html>


Install with pip

   $ pip install jsrope

Basic Usage

Don't forget to load jQuery.

You can use Element to select element.

You can find element by id, css_selector or tag.

from jsrope import Element

Element.by_id("element_id")  # > $('#element_id')  
                             # Same as Element.by("id", id)
Element.by_css_selector("input.input_numer")  # > $('input.input_numer')  
                                              # Same as Element.by("css_selector", selector)

Element.by_tag("input")  # > $('input')  
                         # Same as Element.by("tag", tag)

Others gonna be written in the future.

In End

Note this: Writing code by yourself is always the best way.

Sorry for my poor English. I want you to join us and send many pull requests about Doc, code, features and more!!