
KeynoteC is a DSL processor for creting keynotes with Latex.

DSL, keynote, Latex, Beamer, slides
pip install KeynoteC==0.2.2



A simple DSL to create keynote presentations using LaTeX and Beamer.


At this state, KeynoteC is usable as a Python executable module, or as an application. Install it with python3 install (you might need superuser priviledges to install in system wide), and execute the module as python3 -m keynotec <filename>, or the application keynotec <filename>, to compile the keynote file into a PDF presentation.


The file keynote.key file as an example of everything that is currently working, and serves as an example.

For a more thorough explanation of the syntax you might want to take a look at docs/


XeLaTeX is used to generate the PDF output file. Also, the following LaTeX packages are required:

  • beamer
  • inputenc
  • fontspec
  • enumitem
  • calc
  • datetime
  • babel
  • listings


You can instal KeynoteC trough Python pip:

% python3 -m pip install keynotec

On most Linux distribution you would use a TexLive distribution and it should be enough, apart from some missing packages. Use your Linux distrubution package manager to install them.

On macOS, disk space is a premium (as is anything with the cost of a Mac), so if, like me, you bought just barely enough disk space, and cannot upgrade it since it is soldered on the logic board, you should NOT use a full fledged TexLive distribution. Instead you should use BasicTex, that will eat just a few hundred megs of your precious disk, and then use its package manager to install the missing packages (with sudo):

% sudo tlmgr update —self
% sudo tlmgr install enumitem datetime fmtcount  

The example above install the really minimum required, you can use tlmgr install if you find that you need anything else.

Code Quality

It works. It does what I need. I built the first version in about 24h. It was much less than that in work hours. And the code shows it. Live with that. I do.

To aid in its development, report any issue you have or enhancement in the project's Github repository.

Thank you.