Kolejka Observer Daemon

pip install KolejkaObserver==0.1.202310121859


Welcome to kolejka

kolejka is a lightweight task scheduling platform developed for a small computational grid at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

Each task is described by a set of files, and a command to run in a docker container.

See our quickstart guide if you want to quickly execute some tasks.


For example, the following task executes command uname in a standard ubuntu container with reasonable time/cpu/mem limits and collects standard output.

  • kolejka_task.json:
    "image"  : "ubuntu",
    "args"   : [ "uname" ],
    "limits" : {
        "memory" : "64M",
        "cpus"   : "1",
        "pids"   : "16",
        "time"   : "1s"
    "stdout" : "stdout.txt"

The result of running this task in our system is described by two files:

  • kolejka_result.json:
    "result" : 0,
    "files"  : {
        "stdout.txt" : { "path" : "stdout.txt" }
  • stdout.txt:

You can check our Task, and Result specification and see other Examples.


You can use kolejka-client to schedule tasks and download results from the server. To schedule a task and wait for the result:

$ kolejka-client execute TASK_PATH RESULT_PATH

To schedule a task:

$ kolejka-client task put TASK_PATH

To fetch a result:

$ kolejka-client result get TASK_KEY

kolejka-server is a standard django manage script that can be used to control Kolejka Server.

$ kolejka-server runserver

More details on Server installation and maintenance can be found in Server Documentation. You need to run Kolejka Foreman system on the grid nodes.

You can use kolejka-worker to run tasks on your own computer. You need to install and run docker-ce and kolejka-observer in your system.

$ kolejka-worker execute TASK_PATH RESULT_PATH

kolejka-foreman is a simple script that downloads pending tasks from the server, runs them, and sends results back to the server.

Design Goals



The platform is divided into the following subsystems:

  • Server - Stores files and descriptions of tasks and results. Schedules execution of tasks. Defines security and access rights. Runs post-execution steps.
  • Client - CLI and a set of convenience wrappers.
  • Worker - A script that runs a single task and collects the result.
  • Observer - A standalone server that allows docker contained applications to do basic cgroups-based system usage accounting.
  • Foreman - An operating system image that controls one node in the grid - uses all system resources to run Workers.




The platform is written in Python using the following building blocks:

  • django - For server implementation.
  • docker - For task system image description and task execution containment.
  • cgroups - For grid usage accounting.
  • JSON - For task / result description and API communications.

Temporary project logo is a slightly modified Mountain Railway Emoji (🚞) from Google


Kolejka system is released under MIT License.