Custom card deck builder for Marvel Champions: TCG

lcgtools, lcg
pip install MCdeck==0.6.5



MCdeck is a custom card deck builder app for Marvel Champions: The Card Game (MC). Decks are constructed by adding card images and metadata. Decks can then be exported to the supported export formats:

MCdeck can import cards and decks from MarvelCDB, and it can import cards directly from a local OCTGN database as well as loading OCTGN .o8d deck files when referenced cards are present in the local database.

The tool is fan made and is in no way associated with or endorsed by owners of MC intellectual property. It is intended entirely for using with custom user generated content.

Alpha software

The package is an alpha release and is still in development. Though we strive to make each release functional, some things may not work as expected. Tool usage and APIs may undergo changes between releases.


The library with source code can be installed from PyPI. Dependencies include:

The app has been tested to work on OSX, Linux, and Windows (tested with python from Microsoft Store and Anaconda). Unfortunately, it does not work with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) due to lack of PySide6 support.

MCdeck can be installed from PyPI with the command

pip install MCdeck  # Alternatively python3 -m pip install MCdeck

To install MCdeck from source, run this command from the top directory (which includes the pyproject.toml file),

pip install .    # alternatively "python -m pip install ."

You may wish to install MCdeck with virtualenv in order to separate the install from your general python environment.


When properly installed with pip, the software can be launched with the command


See mcdeck --help for command line options (which is currently limited to specifying a deck .zip or .mcd file to open). If for some reason the software is installed on a system which does not properly add the program's executable to its PATH, then it should still be possible to execute the program with

python -m mcdeck.script

See Help->Usage in the program's menu for (very) basic information about program usage.

Other information

We recommended Hall of Heroes as a resource for information regarding custom user generated content and related communities.


MCdeck is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later. License details are included with the source code.