
A script to magically update your obsidian snippets hosted on github.

Obsidian, md, css, update, manager, snippet, snippets
pip install Obsidian-Snippet-Manager==2.0.1


Obsidian Snippet Manager is a python script that git pull and move CSS file in your .obsidian/snippet folder.

The goal is to provide a practical way to get semi-auto-update from CSS snippet hosted on GitHub, in waiting of an eventual BRAT update that support that.

Get started


  1. Git
  2. Python
  3. pip install Obsidian-Snippet-Manager


You can use the application with an interface, using (in terminal): snipetter. To get a .app or .exe you can :

  • Wait to my success to create a build using GitHub Actions (you can help)
  • Use pyinstaller on this repo, with pip install pyinstaller && pyinstaller Obsidian_Snippeter/GUI.py --name "Snippeter" --windowed --i Obsidian_Snippeter/src/gui_bin/hand.ico --noconfirm --add-data 'Obsidian_Snippeter/src/gui_bin/*:Obsidian_Snippeter/src/gui_bin/' --distpath app



The plugin needs :

  • The absolute path of your vault, as : G:\Drive\Vault
  • A folder that contains all the snippet you want to get the update. This folder can be everywhere on your computer (yes, it can be in .obsidian too.). It will contain all folder of the snippet hosted on GitHub you want to use.
    In case of the folder doesn't exist, the script will create it!

How to use

  1. Adding a new repo : obsnipe clone repository_url
    Additionally, you can exclude a folder from update with adding the --exclude command : obsnipe clone --excluded [repository_url]
  2. Updating everything : obsnipe
  3. Updating only a repository : obsnipe update folder_name The folder name is the folder that you wish to update the snippet!

The script will :

  • Git pull
  • Git move every .css file in your .obsidian/snippet folder.

Other function

  • obsnipe list : List all GitHub Repository you download.
  • obsnipe exclude [folder_name] : Exclude a folder from update. You can exclude multiple value using : obsnipe exclude [folder1] [folder2]

Note : You can exclude a folder from auto-update using the exclude.yml file, placed in your Snippet Manager folder. You need to add the folder name as a yaml list :

- foldername1
- foldername2


Using Obsidian Snippets Collection

  1. Configuration :
    • Vault is in : G:/Drive/vault
    • My Obsidian Manager Folder is in : D:/Documents/Github/Snippets Manager
  2. obsnipe clone https://github.com/Mara-Li/Obsidian-Snippet-collection
  3. Activate the snippets 🎉

To update this specific snippet : obsnipe update Obsidian-Snippet-collection

In obsidian

You can create a command in Obsidian using Obsidian Shell.

Bonus, you can update your snippet every time obsidian start, like BRAT!

⚠️ WARNING : Every edit on a snippet downloaded by this way will break the script. Please, DON'T EDIT these file, and use another snippet. (Or, use a fork and commit before.)
