
Production Ready PDF Agent

pip install PDFAgent==0.2.3



A production-ready PDF agent for reading, analysing and conversing with your PDF built for business-critical use cases on retrieval-augmented generation.

Got questions/need support? Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/a3K9c8GRGt

Code Example


Production-ready PDFReaderAgent - built with Rest API (see docs.twilix.io for more information)
✅ Built-in observability (via Twilix dashboard)
Built-in easily swappable read/write API keys (so no one can over-write your data)
Production-ready insertion and retrieval pipelines built in (via Twilix)
Multi-line citations, managed vector store, production-ready conversation memory handling.


You can install it easily using the following:

pip install pdfagent


You can get started quickly by grabbing your API key from https://app.twilix.io/.

from PDFAgent import PDFAgent
agent = PDFAgent(

Inserting a PDF

You can insert a PDF in just 1 line of code - under the hood, we take care of OCR, preprocessing, vectorising, splitting and storage.


Once it's inserted, we recommend giving it 30 to 60 seconds to properly index.

If you have a local, PDF, we recommend uploading and inserting via the https://app.twilix.io dashboard.

Now ask questions!

agent.ask("What is this PDF about?")

Built-in observatory

Once you set it up - you get a free monitoring and observatory! This includes:

  • Monitoring input queries
  • Monitoring output queries
  • Latency
  • Retrieval results

Observatory example

Ask for a co-pilot analysis!

agent.copilot("How many participants are there in total?")

Powerful templating for any desired output:

You can then use out-of-the-box templating where you by inserting a {reference} so that users can get a clean abstraction.

agent.template("""How many participants are there in total? Please respond in a JSON with the key `total_participants`.


See More

Interested in exploring further? Find out more from https://docs.twilix.io.