
Success stories

plone, successstory
pip install Products.ATSuccessStory==4.1.3



ATSuccessStory is a very simple product that provides you with two new content types:

a) Success Story Folder

b) Success Story

Success Stories can only be created inside Success Story Folders, so you first need one of those.

By default the folder will display success stories with a nice summary view, showing the description and the image.

This product also provides a portlet, that you can add anywhere.

Just go to where you want the portlet to show, click on "Manage Portlets" and then select "Success Story rotating portlet" from the drop down.

Then choose the title you would like for the portlet and select the folder from it should get the success stories. If you want the portlet to show all stories from any Success Story folder existing in the site, just select "Global" from this drop down.

Finally, choose how many stories you would like to be shown on each page refresh.

Optionally, you can have the portlet display only stories that have specific categories.

Click save, and you're set :-D


We add a "Success Story Folder" called "Success Stories" and inside we add a bunch of success stories.

We want the portlet to be shown at root site. So we go there, then click on "Manage Portlets", we select "Success Story rotating portlet" from the drop down. We write "Case Studies" in the header, and under "Stories Path" select "Success Story Folder" from the drop down (it will also show the full path to it, in case more than one folder is called the same). Choose to show 1 story at a time. Then click save, and then "save" again from the manage portlet screen.