
Adds a doormat viewlet and installs it in the Plone footer. The links and text in the doormat are manageable as content.

doormat, viewlet, plone, footer
pip install Products.Doormat==0.1



A doormat is a couple of links which are presented in a structured way. One example is the current, where the div#sitemap at the bottom consists of some ordered bundles of internal and external links, with sections called "Downloads", "Documentation", "Developers", "Plone foundation" and "Support". See more examples of doormats.

This product adds a couple of content types (Archetypes), which are used to create a structure which is used for generating a doormat. A viewlet on this doormat is placed in the Plone footer. The links in the Doormat are managed as content, making the Doormat more flexible than a sitemap. It's also possible to add external links. It's also possible to add bits of text, with markup.

Quick feature overview

  • Internal links
  • External links
  • Text blocks (including images)
  • Links from Plone Collections
  • Can have any number of columns
  • Can have multiple sections per column

Similar products


collective.doormat also lets you creates a doormat in your site, but takes a different approach: Instead of creating a structure of content objects, it offers a configuration panel where you can create the doormat in a single rich text field.

This approach is a lot easier for maintaining the doormat.

It doesn't take permissions into account, so links might point to internal content to which the visitor viewing the page has no access. There is also no way to add content from collections.

Getting started

After installing the product in your site, you should have a "Doormat" item in your Plone site, which should show up in the folder contents of the site. Inside it, you can create a hierarchical structure of Columns, Sections, links (both internal and external), Documents (Plone's Page type), and Links to a Collection (DoormatCollection). There should be one Column, one Section and one Document already there.

The Doormat may look like this, schematically:

+-- Doormat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                                                                                       |
|  +-- Column 1 ----------+  +-- Column 2----------+  +-- Column 3 ------------------+  |
|  |                      |  |                     |  |                              |  |
|  |  +-- Section 1 ----+ |  | +-- Section 1 ----+ |  | +-- Section 1 -------------+ |  |
|  |  |                 | |  | |                 | |  | |                          | |  |
|  |  |  +-- Link 1 --+ | |  | |  +-- Link 1 --+ | |  | |  +-- Document 1 -------+ | |  |
|  |  |  +------------+ | |  | |  +------------+ | |  | |  |                     | | |  |
|  |  |                 | |  | |                 | |  | |  | (Contact info)      | | |  |
|  |  |  +-- Link 2 --+ | |  | |  +-- Link 2 --+ | |  | |  |                     | | |  |
|  |  |  +------------+ | |  | |  +------------+ | |  | |  +---------------------+ | |  |
|  |  |                 | |  | |                 | |  | |                          | |  |
|  |  |  +- Document -+ | |  | |                 | |  | |  +- DoormatCollection -+ | |  |
|  |  |  |            | | |  | |                 | |  | |  |                     | | |  |
|  |  |  |            | | |  | |                 | |  | |  | Item 1 from Collctn | | |  |
|  |  |  +------------+ | |  | |                 | |  | |  | Item 2 from Collctn | | |  |
|  |  |                 | |  | |                 | |  | |  | (...)               | | |  |
|  |  |                 | |  | |                 | |  | |  | Link to Collection  | | |  |
|  |  |                 | |  | |                 | |  | |  |                     | | |  |
|  |  |                 | |  | |                 | |  | |  +---------------------| | |  |
|  |  |                 | |  | |                 | |  | |                          | |  |
|  |  +-----------------+ |  | +-----------------+ |  | +--------------------------+ |  |
|  |                      |  |                     |  |                              |  |
|  +----------------------+  +---------------------+  +------------------------------+  |
|                                                                                       |

In fact, you can add more than one section, they will be displayed below each other. In each section, you can mix internal links, external links and Documents.

And in real life:

Note that the product adds an extra hierarchical layer compared to the doormat: it adds a Column, which can contain more than one Section. An example using this structure is the Oosterpoort, which actually is the product's predecessor.

Adding a Document

Adding and editing a Document to the Doormat is just as simple as adding it in any other place. However, keep this in mind that only the "Body text" field will be displayed in the Doormat. Other fields, most notably the title and description will be omitted.

Links in a Document

By default, relative links will be created from the place where the Document lives. This link is then displayed in the Doormat on all pages, so it is very likely to be broken.

The solution is to make your editor insert links by uid. With TinyMCE on Plone 4, you can enable "link by uid" by going to the "Resource types" tab on TinyMCE Settings (via the "Site setup"), and checking the box called "Link using UIDs".

This will apply to the whole site. You may want to revert to the default setting after you've added the link, as relative links are more desirable in general.

Adding an Image

To add an image to the Doormat, add a Document and include an image there. It's not possible to upload an Image to a DoormatSection, so you need to upload the image to another place in your site first.

Make sure you enable "Link using UIDs" (see above) first, because defining the image's location in a relative way will break in the same way as a relative link will break.

Links to Collections

It's also possible to add a "Link to Collection" item (DoormatCollection). This allows yout to point to a Plone Collection object, and take the items from that.

Simple configuration

By default, the Doormat is excluded from navigation.

There's a field showTitle on the folderish types (Doormat, Column and Section) which allows content managers to decide if the item's title should be displayed in the doormat.

More advanced configuration and styling

This section is intended for integrators and/or developers who would like to customize the way the doormat is rendered in more detail.

Moving the doormat

By default, the default doormat viewlet (doormat.footer) is placed in the plone.portalfooter viewlet manager. It's easy to modify this in an add-on product, so the doormat will display below the global navigation (portal tabs), or anywhere else in the site.

Displaying the doormat without the extra div elements

The default viewlet renders the doormat inside Plone's default footer elements, so it blends in with Plone 4's default Sunburst Theme:

<div class="row">
  <div class="cell width-full position-0" >
    <div id="doormat-container" />

Using the doormat.footer.bare viewlet will omit the two outermost <div>'s. This may be handy when using the doormat in a different theme, or in a customized layout. You can hide the default viewlet and enable the bare version through @@manage-viewlets, or by adding a customized viewlets.xml to the product you're developing.


More than one Doormat

The viewlet does a catalog lookup for the Doormat portal type. If you have more than one object of this type (nothing stops you), it will use the oldest one.

Uninstalling removes content

If you run the uninstall profile, like when you uninstall the product, all content will be deleted. This ensures the product uninstalls cleanly, for the convenience of migrations and of those just wanting to try it out.

If you have a Doormat in your site and you are happy with it, don't click uninstall.

Dependencies / Requirements

The product works on:

  • Plone 3
  • Plone 4


See Changelog.

This product was originally sponsored by GroningerForum.