
PAB is a framework that helps with development and automation of periodic tasks on blockchains.

pip install PyAutoBlockchain==0.5


PyAutoBlockchain (PAB)

Python 3.10 Integration Tests Unit Tests Documentation Status codecov

PAB is a framework that helps with development and automation of periodic tasks on blockchains.

With PAB, you quickstart your blockchain development and prototyping. After running pab init to create a new project, you can jump right into developing your own strategies.

With little more configuration, you can connect to any Web3 compatible network using an RPC, load contracts from the network, and use any account you have the Private Key of to authenticate against the network (if you need to make transactions).

PAB allows you to quickly implement Strategies without worring about some Web3 implementation details, like connecting to a blockchain, retrieving contracts and sending transactions.

Check out our documentation here!


Using pip:

$ pip install PyAutoBlockchain


Install with PABUI extension:

$ pip install PyAutoBlockchain[ui]

And run PABUI from your projects directory:

$ ls
abis/  config.json  contracts.json  tasks.json  venv/
$ pabui


Create project in current directory:

(venv) $ pab init 

Run project:

(venv) $ pab run

For a substantially more complete guide, head over to our Official Documentation's Guide section.

Sample Strategy

PAB will load custom strategies at startup from a strategies module in the current working directory. This module can be a single file or a strategies directory with an file.

All subclasses of pab.strategy.BaseStrategy are loaded as available strategies for tasks, and all must implement the run() method.

Here's a basic sample strategy to give you an idea of the Strategy API:

import csv
from datetime import datetime
from pab.strategy import BaseStrategy

class CompoundAndLog(BaseStrategy):
    """ Finds pool in `masterchef` for `token`, compounds the given pool for 
    `self.accounts[account_index]` and logs relevant data into some csv file. """

    def __init__(self, *args, filepath: str = "compound.csv", token: str = '', masterchef: str = '', account_index: int = 0):
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.account = self.accounts[account_index]
        self.token = self.contracts.get(token)
        self.masterchef = self.contracts.get(masterchef)
        self.pool_id = self.masterchef.functions.getPoolId(self.token.address).call()
        if not self.pool_id:
            raise Exception(f"Pool not found for {self.token} in {self.masterchef}")

    def run(self):
        """ Strategy entrypoint. """
        balance = self.get_balance()
        new_balance = self.compound()
        self.write_to_file(balance, new_balance)"Current balance is {balance}")

    def compound(self) -> int:
        self.transact(self.account, self.masterchef.functions.compound, (self.pool_id, ))
        return self.get_balance()

    def get_balance(self) -> int:
        return self.masterchef.functions.balanceOf(
    def write_to_file(self, old_balance: int, new_balance: int):
        now ='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S')
        diff = new_balance - old_balance
        with open(self.filepath, 'a') as fp:
            writer = csv.writer(fp)
            writer.writerow([now, new_balance, diff])

For more details, read our Official Documentation's Strategies In-Depth section.



Unit Tests

To run unit tests:

(venv) $ pip install -e requirements-dev.txt
(venv) $ ./

Integration tests

The recommended way to run integration-tests is with act.

With act you can run:

$ act -j integration-tests

to run integration from the github actions tests inside a docker container.

The other way is to use local installations of truffle and ganache and run:

$ ./

For more information on integration tests see Integration Tests README.