A set of tools extending the capabilities of bpy (blender as a python module).

python-3, 9
pip install PyR3==0.3.0




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The PyR3 package serves two purposes:
  • provides blender in form of python package (bpy)
  • contains useful shortcuts and abstractions over bpy API

This package is released under MIT license. Be aware that dependencies might be using different licenses.


PyR3 is available on Python Package Index and can be installed automatically with pip:

pip install PyR3

You can also install the in-development version from github with:

pip install https://github.com/Argmaster/pyr3/archive/main.zip

Complicated bpy requirement

Unlike previous releases, since 0.2.2 bpy is no longer automatically installed when importing PyR3, as this solution was not what's expected by typical developer.

Now to install bpy automatically you have to invoke PyR3.install_bpy module:

python -m PyR3.install_bpy

Or you can use install_bpy_lib() function from this module. After installing bpy it has to be manually uninstalled. It may happen that in future releases some uninstall script will be created, but for now manual removal is the only way.


Documentation is available on-line at https://pyr3.readthedocs.io/

You can also build documentation yourself using tox:

git clone hhttps://github.com/Argmaster/pyr3.git
cd PyR3
tox -e docs