
"Python Server Pages"-like Templates

pip install PyTem==0.0.83


PyTem Template Engine.

Intro: What is PyTem?

PyTem is an implementation of a "Python-Server-Pages"-like template engine for Python 3+. PyTem is,

  • small -- a single python file.
  • simple -- you can learn the syntax of templates and/or the PyTem API in just a few minutes.
  • hackable -- readable source code, so feel free to adapt it to your own python project.

PyTem's current status is "Alpha", but it is being used for real work on a daily basis.

PyTem can run as a standalone program from the command line, or can be imported into another Python 3 program and used via a small/simple API.

Copyright by Steve Beisner. Uses the MIT open source license.


Install as python module:

pip install PyTem

Project source at

Syntax of PyTem Templates

A PyTem template is a text file (.txt, .html, .markdown, etc.) containing, in addition the "normal" text appropriate to the file type, python statements and python expressions.

An Example of a PyTem Template

Here is a file named "", showing python statement lines and lines containing pure text and python expressions.

This is a PyTem Template it will output these two initial
lines followed by a greeting followed by four numbered lines.
% count = 4
<%greeting%> to you, <% name.upper() %>. How are you?
%    for ix in range(count):
This is line #<% ix %>.
%    end

The third, fifth, and seventh lines of the above template are python statements, as indicated by the '%' at the beginning of the line. Indentation is not significant: PyTem will correct the indentation of the python statements during compilation of the template into pure python. PyTem recognizes a change in required indentation by

  1. a line whose last non-whitespace character is ':', indicating the start of a compound statement like "% for", "% if", "% else", etc.
  2. a line like "% end", indicating the close of a compound statement.

Anything written to Standard Output by a template's python lines will be inserted into the template expansion.

The lines not beginning with "%" are text lines. They will be output "as is", except that python expressions, like "<% ix %>" will be replaced by the value of the enclosed python expression.

Here is a python program that will write the expanded template to standard output,

from pytem import PyTem
pt = PyTem()
s = pt.expandFile('', {'greeting': 'Hello',  'name': 'George'})

Including other templates

Inside a template file, another template file can be included, interpreted in the same environment, using

    <% include_template('') %>

NOTE: There is nothing special about this... it's just another python expression, calling the function, "include_template".

PyTem API -- General Comments

The API consists of three entry points: the constructor, PyTem, and two methods, expandString and expandFile. Usage means calling the constructor to obtain a PyTem instance, followed by one or more calls to expandString or expandFile, each returning a string, and possibly modifying the evaluation environment for future calls to expandString or expandFile using the same PyTem instance.

Evaluation of templates involves an environment that provides variable bindings for the evaluation of embedded python statements and expressions. An initial environment may optionally be specified when the PyTem constructor is called. Subsequent calls to expandString and expandFile may update the environment, as may changes to variables make by python code inside the templates.

The environment is maintained inside the PyTem instance, so changes made during an expansion will be visible to later expansions. To start with a clean environment, create another PyTem instance by calling the constructor again.

Compiled template files (but not template strings) are cached, so that they are compiled once even if used multiple time with the same PyTem instance.

For debugging: if the pyfile option is true, then the compiled template (i.e. pure python) named "infile" is saved in file, "", for debugging.

PyTem API -- The Constructor

A instance of class, PyTem, is constructed and used for all subsequent operations. A call to the constructor has the following signature:

  pytem = PyTem( search_path = ['.'],  debug = 0,  pyfile = False, env = {})

The constructor's optional keyword arguments are:

  • search_path defaults to ['.'], a list of directories in which to search for named templates. On the command line search_path is set with the option, "-s" or "--search_path".

  • debug defaults to 0x0000, provides an optional mask of bits to control debug output. On the command line debug is set with the option, "-d" or "--debug".

  • pyfile defaults to False. If True, a file with '.py' appended to the name of the input template file will be created, containing the python code for the "compiled" input template file. On the command line pyfile is set with the option, "-p".

  • env, the initial evaluation environment, defaults to the empty dictionary, {}. The env option can not be set on the command line.

PyTem API -- Method expandString

The expandString method optionally updates the environment with a list of dictionaries and key/value pairs, then expands the template_string. The infilename serves as an identifier of the string in error messages.

    expandString(self,  template_string,  infilename(string),  *kv_dicts,  **kv_vars )

The expandString method return the (string) expansion of the template_string.

PyTem API -- Method expandFile

The expandFile method optionally updates the environment with a list of dictionaries and key/value pairs, then expands the file named by infilename. The file is searched for in the directories specified in the search_path list parameter to the PyTem constructor.

    expandFile(self,   infilename,  *kv_dicts,   **kv_vars)

The expandFile method return the (string) expansion of the file named by infilename.

PyTem API -- Method resetEnv

    resetEnv(self, new_env)

The way PyTem manages its evaluation environment is unusual, but (we believe) useful and easy to understand.

When the PyTem instance is created, a new, empty environment is created, and optionally populated by the optional env argument to the constructor.

Each time the methods, expandFile or expandString is called the optional kv_dicts and kv_vars arguments can update the environment. All these environment changes are cumulative: they only update or add to the previous environment, but don't replace it, outright. This allows a set of expansions, and files included by <%include_template ... %>, to share an environment and use it to pass information between templates.

At any point, the resetEnv method may be used to reset the environment back to a specific state.

Standalone (CLI) Program

The installed module,, can be run from the command line. An example:

    python ?wherever-its-installed?/  -o myfile.out 

You might want to create a batch file (shell script) to do this, since is probably located deep in your site-packages directory.

Usage:  python [options] infile, ...
  (-h | --help          This help message.
  (-d | --debug)        debug mask bits
  (-s | --search_path)  path1,path2,...
                        0x4000  Show python source
                                for compiled templates.
                        0x0100  Minor messages
  -p                    Output the compiled template (i.e. pure python)
                        named with ".py" appended, for debugging. For infile,
                        "" the python file will be "".
  (-o | --out)          Out file name. Defaults to '<stdout>' if
                        not specified.
Expands infiles in order. Keeping environment from one to the next
If no infiles specified, or if one of the infiles is '-', use <stdin>.