
Python Wrapper for VidarDB

key-value, leveldb, lsm-tree, python, rocksdb
pip install PyVidarDB==0.1.0



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A simple python wrapper for VidarDB.

Use PyVidarDB

PyVidarDB guarantees to support Python >= 3.5. There is no need to have VidarDB installed in advance, PyVidarDB will install it automatically for you.


For Linux users (Ubuntu as an example):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python3-pip build-essential cmake

For MacOS users (Please install Homebrew at first):

sudo brew install git python3 cmake

For Windows users:

The compiler should support C++11 (at least Visual Studio 2015 update 3).

PyVidarDB Installation

From PyPI:

pip3 install PyVidarDB

From Github:

git clone --recursive
pip3 install ./PyVidarDB

Basic Usage

Here is the basic usage for PyVidarDB:

import pyvidardb

db = pyvidardb.DB()

# Open the database, will create one if not exist."./hello_world")

# Put a map from 'key1' to 'value1' into the database.
db.put(b"key1", b"value1")

# Get the value(s) of the provided key, will return None
# if there is no such key in the database.
value = db.get(b"key1")
assert value == [b"value1"]

# 'key2' does not exist in the database. So we will get None here.
value = db.get(b"key2")
assert value is None

# Remove 'key1' from the database.

# Put a map from 'key2' to multiple values into the database.
db.put(b"key2", [b"value1", b"value2", b"value3"])

# Get the value(s) of the provided key.
value = db.get(b"key2")
assert value == [b"value1", b"value2", b"value3"]

# Remove 'key2' from the database.

# Close the database.

PyVidarDB supports storing one key with multiple values. For example, db.put(b"key", [b"value1", b"value2", b"value3"]) will put a map from key to [b"value1", b"value2", b"value3"] into the database. To store one key with one value, simply call db.put(b"key", b"value") or db.put(b"key", [b"value"]). For db.put(), the passed key's type must be bytes, while the values' type can be bytes or a list of bytes.

For db.get(key: bytes) and db.delete(key: bytes), the passed arguments' types must be bytes. The return type of db.get(key: bytes) is a list of bytes which contains all the values of that key. If the provided key does not exist in the database, None will be returned.

More examples can be found at here:

See our wiki page for more information.