
Module for creating tables for console applications

console, table
pip install PythonTaCo==1.3.7



Simple console-oriented handler for python two-dimensional lists (tables). Put your list in handler, modify it and use it from handler or take it out from handler and use on its own.


  • List handler that works with python 2-dimensional lists.
  • Easy access to height and width of the table.
  • Simple handy functions: transposing and sorting.
  • Print your lists as tables to the console!


Creating table from list:

import PythonTableConsole as PTC
my_list = [['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3], [7,4,3,2,0,10]]
Table = PTC.PythonTableConsole(my_list)
# or PTC.PythonTableConsole([['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3], [7,4,3,2,0,10]])

Printing table to the console:

|a|1| 7|
|b|2| 4|
|c|3| 3|
| | | 2|
| | | 0|
| | |10|

Changing table:

Table.contains[0][0] = 'alpha'

Functions of the PythonTableConsole class:

Table.width()  # returns number of columns
Table.height()  # returns number of rows
Table.transpose()  # transposes the Table: rows to columns, columns to rows
Table.sort_by_column(column_index, skip_n_rows = 0)  # sorts the table (except first n rows) by specified column. MAY BE REMOVED IN THE FUTURE
Table.sort_by_column_with_skips(column_index, skip_rows = [], skip_columns = [], largest_at_the_top = True)  # sorts the table (except specified rows and columns) by the specified column.
Table.sort_by_row_with_skips(row_index, skip_rows = [], skip_columns = [], largest_at_the_top = True)  # sorts the table (except specified rows and columns) by the specified row.

Other, uh... important? notes:

Columns not rows

PythonTableConsole handles inner lists as columns.

pos_x, pos_y = 0, 0
Table.contains[pos_x][pos_y]  # not [pos_y][pos_x]

Row-centered handler may be implemented in the future. But for now you can transpose your tables to compensate for that handler absense.

Updates are completely random

This is a pet-project so...

Planned features:

Row-centered handler

For now only column-centered is present in this module.

Width constrains for str

  • Default max width for table's columns
  • Max width for table's columns
  • Max widths (in list, idk) dor table's columns
  • "New line or cut" option (maybe with "cut after n new_lines" option)