
Implementing Middle Out (Indexing) to the Markov Chain

Markov, Chain, markov-chain, markov-model, python
pip install RainbowChain==0.1.5



The Rainbow Chain is a Markov Chain that can generate a sentence forwards, backwards, and around a seed. This is great for generating a sentence around a topic.


Install the latest stable build from PyPI

pip install RainbowChain


The best way to understand how to use the project is looking at the examples. But here is a simple example.

from RainbowChain import MarkovModel

# Generates a model with an order of 2
model = MarkovModel('path/to/corpus', 2)

# Generate a random quote

# Generate a random quote with a seed

Speeding up load times

To get the most grammatically correct sentences we need a big corpus. It our corpus gets too big and we have a high order (2+) Rainbow Chain, it will take some time to construct our data. I suggest using something like Pickle that stores your Rainbow Chain as a text file so you can read it faster. It cut my load time in half.

Saving your Markov Model

from RainbowChain import MarkovModel
import pickle

raw_model = MarkovModel('../static/data/raw_corpus.txt', 3)

with open('../static/data/model.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(raw_model, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

Loading your Markov Model

model = None

with open('static/data/model.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
    model = pickle.load(handle)


  1. Comment and Simplify Code. Add documentation.
  2. Generate lower order sentences
  3. Put sentence start and end into a Histogram
  4. Publish Blog Post
  5. Backoff suggestion since it doesnt work perfectly