A small package to access and use WarcraftLogs API

python, WarcraftLogs-API, package, python-3, pythonpackage, wip
pip install ReunionLog==




About repository


The main purpose of this small code sample is to access the data of WarcraftLogs by their own API. This is being done through a python package which used PyPi as distributor.

Then our purpose is downloading the date to output specific values in a .csv file extension.

This is our purpose. The purpose of this package is not to create a .csv file but to give functionality to gain all the data of the WarcraftLog.

About me

This is a repository maintained by me Nickgismokato on the request of the guild who want to use this data gained from WarcraftLogs.

The guild

The guild in world of warcraft is the guild Reunion. This guild is not unaware of the code i create and maintain. Though most of the members is unaware, the officers of the guild know of this.

About WarcraftLogs and OAuth 2


WarcraftLogs is a website where guilds and individuals can put up there logs from raids, dungeons, etc. from the popular game World Of Warcraft.

This repository will not contain the function to upload logs. How to to it can be found here.


WarcraftLogs uses OAuth 2.0 for API authentication.

More can be read at WarcraftLogs APIv2.


These are the following python packages needed to use the python script. Be aware of changes

Package Link Version Pip Command
requests Link $\geq$ 2.27 $ pip install requests
gql-query-builder Link 0.1.7 $ pip install gql-query-builder

More to come!

Build or install


There is no reason to build this repository. You can just clone the repository by the following command:

$ git clone https://github.com/nickgismokato/ReunionLog.git

More can be found at Github docs

Install Package

To install the Python package, it requires pip to install.

The command for installing the package is:

$ pip install ReunionLog


See Wiki


The functionality of the functions of this package is bound to change. This is because the WarcraftLogs API is in a BETA state as of writing this.

This package will only be maintained as long as the guild need it. An update of this github will be given when this package no longer is maintained.