
Development of SGr PyPi package

pip install SGrPythontks4r==0.1.2



  1. How to use
  2. Pip installation
  3. Directory structure

1) How to use

  • getval(<fp_name>, <dp_name>) from module (Implemented in restapi and modbus)
  • setval(<fp_name>, <dp_name>, ) from module (Only implemented for modbus) has a script with an example on how to use these functions.

  • For the xsdata documentation and the library documentation please go to sgr_library folder in this directory. There you will find the specific the documentation.
  • For EXAMPLES on how to use the library, you will also find them in the sgr_library file, as 'examples'.

2.1) Pip Installation

Install our libray by running the command:

	pip install sgr-lib

Then import the library as follows (Please watch "" in our examples file for more clarity):

	from sgr_library.generic_interface import GenericInterface

2.2) DEVELOPER Pip Installation

Pip Install from local repository (developer).

  1. Create virtual enviroment:

     py -m venv venv
  2. Then we locally install over it our virtual enviroment: Pip install -e is extremely useful when simultaneously developing a product and a dependency. The e flag makes our installed package editable. The file will install it locally as a package.

    pip install -e C:\path\to\file\

    EXAMPLE: pip install -e C:\Users\admin\Desktop\SGrPython

DEPRECATED Pip Install from pypi testing server (user).

Uploaded the library as "sgr-demo-v0.0.4" for now. You can download it with the following command.

pip install --index-url sgr-demo-v0.0.4

3) Directory

  • sgr_library: Is the folder which will be installed with the pip install command.

  • examples: This folder contains files on how to use the library. Please go to "" to have a basic example.

  • xml_files: Contains sample xml files for users to modify or use as example.

  • xsd_files: Contains the SGr xsd files structure, from which the dataclasses in "sgr_library" directory were generated. You don't have to do this, since the classes come included in the pip install, but in case you want to change something, you can generate classes with the following command:

      xsdata --package data_classes xsd_files/SGrIncluder.xsd
  • The script that is executed when installing the library with pip.

  • requirements.txt: required libraries are included in the setup of the file, but in case these fail, install from requierements.txt file.

      pip install -r requirements.txt