This package contains implementation of the game "Skill Test Game". This game is about taking skill tests and earning skill badges.

pip install SKILL-TEST-GAME==1



Welcome to Skill Test Game. In this game, you will take skill tests to earn skill badges like when taking LinkedIn Skill Assessments (

Executable File

The executable file is downloadable at

Source Code

Python code used to create the game is available in


pip install SKILL_TEST_GAME

How to Use the Executable File?

First, open by double-clicking the file "skill_test_game". How the executable file looks like is shown in the image below (the file is enclosed with a red rectangle).

Image 1

Executable File

Getting Started

After you run the game, you will be asked to enter your name. If the saved game data with your name is available, it will be loaded. Else, a new game data will be created.

Image 2

Getting Started

Main Menu

After you either created new game data or load saved game data, you will be asked whether you want to continue playing the game "Skill Test Game" or not. If you enter 'Y', a list of skill tests you can take will be shown if there are skill tests you can take. You will be able to take skill tests where you have not earned a badge and have attempted less than twice in six months.

Image 3

Main Menu

The Game

In the game, Python skill test is available. To earn a skill badge for this skill test, you will need to earn a score of at least 80% for the skill test. You need to choose the correct answer and then press 'RETURN' key on Mac or 'ENTER' key on Windows in 90 seconds or less for a question to earn a point for that question. Failing to answer the question in 90 seconds will make the game advance to the next question and your answer to that question will be considered incorrect.

The screenshot below shows how a question in the Python skill test looks like.

Image 4

Skill Test

After answering all questions in a skill test, your score will appear on the screen. If you score 80% or above for the skill test you take, you will be asked whether you want to add your skill badge to your LinkedIn profile or not. If you enter 'Y', the details of information to be added to your LinkedIn profile will be shown. Else, you will be redirected to the 'Main Menu' of the game.

Image 5

Skill Test Completion

Below shows how it looks like if you want to add your badge to your LinkedIn profile.

Image 6

Add Badge to LinkedIn Profile